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Wildlife 2023/2024 Deer Season


Supporting Member
Ross County

Offically kicking off my hunting season today, although I've been hard at it for a while now. Basically, things are looking good with regards to the deer in the area. Still down about half compared to the previous two years, and the number of fawns are down too, about half. All in all, each look pretty healthy and seemed to be settled into their summer patterns real well.

As usual, I'll try my best to document and share my hunting season with you all. I'm real super busy this year, so I'll give it my best to stay current. Feel free to jump in anytime, ask questions or simply follow along. I'll try to keep things simple and to a minimum this year, but please do not hesitate in contacting me directly should you have any questions and/or concerns, I'd appreciate that a lot!

First video to kick it off for the new season for me, which is this year;s new playlist, first entry. The night before last at the feeder in the front yard. Hope you all enjoy and best of luck to all hunters this year! Try to be safe, have fun & share those memories! Good luck to you!!

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Looks like some of the big boys found the feeder.

I placed a 250# programmable feed dispenser June 20th. It's a new feeding area, setup mainly for the young antlerless deer, like fawns and new mothers. Yesterday, I filled the feeder completely full for the first time this year, then afterwards, I pulled trail camera memory cards out of the two that were set, also placed at the same day to cover the new feed location. I hung two old trail cameras that I've used over the past four or five years now. One of them is starting to flash fail, however I do have a couple of new ones that I will be replacing them with and hope to have them hung later this week.

This video is the official launch into another year of chasing Whitetail Deer for me. I created a brand new playlist for the new 2023/2024 hunting season. All videos pertaining to hunting will be placed inside that playlist going forward.

This video will show some of the resident deer that I've taken care of over recent years. Further information and details will come in future videos. The overall general health of the local deer herd that I am familiar with appears to be excellent . The herd has declined to about half though compared to the previous two or three years, most likely due to the EHD outbreak in the county from last year. The number of fawns born on the property is approximately half also compared to previous years. I normally get 4-6 fawns per year on average. Only (3) three so far that I have actually seen on the property, there might be more that I have yet to discover possibly. By the end of the month, I should have a better handle on the number.

'THUNDER' & 'NINER' are the two larger bucks that you will get to see within the video/ 'NINER' is actually a typical (10) ten point buck this year, so he will get a new name soon. 'THUNDER' is a buck that I have a long history with and he seems to be back to ole-self once again this year.

There will be plenty more videos shared this year as the new hunting season draws closer. I hope you enjoy today's video and thank you for watching!


She just finished up at the feeder too!

20230709_071136 (1).jpg

Once again, best of luck everybody! Take care!!

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Now we are getting serious! Let's do this!!!
Man... I dont know why, but this just popped into my head when reading this? Since it is Sunday I'm going with the prompting to share it with y'all

Notice: Since I've never met any of you, in the unlikely event that Irving resembles any part of any of y'all please chalk it up to pure innocent co incidence and there can be no sinister inference on my part. Enjoy!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Man... I dont know why, but this just popped into my head when reading this? Since it is Sunday I'm going with the prompting to share it with y'all

Notice: Since I've never met any of you, in the unlikely event that Irving resembles any part of any of y'all please chalk it up to pure innocent co incidence and there can be no sinister inference on my part. Enjoy!
I chuckled, thanks! :giggle:
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Supporting Member
Ross County
07/10 - Good mornin! She came to check on me first before heading to the feeder. That behavior made me laugh first thing this morning.


Have a fantastic week y'all!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Looks like they found the feeding grounds. They wouldn't stay if they weren't gettin some!

Right! It's a constant battle really. All the field critters and deer in valley keeps them coming and when they show up on or around my place, that's when I stay up late. I'm pretty sure the older does know that I do this and that is why I believe the maturest live on the property to raise their little ones now. It's a safe place for them and even if I do not kill a yote, miss them or whatever, it still pushes them away from the area for a while at least.

I've got them down to a level where I believe it's manageable somewhat. The numbers of them is down, especially with the mature adults because I either shot them dead already and let the lay or I scared the livin crap out them by barely missing them and they never came around again that I know of.

As long as they feel the pressure too, they usually move on to a different location. It's when those that come around regularly like the example above for days at a time is when I get prompted to take action. It used to be much, much worse until I started hunting them. Trust me, it would not hurt my feelings one bit if I never see them again. That's what I'm shootin for around here anyway.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Mornin everybody!


I put this together last night before I went to bed. It's more of the same of one of the mother-does that seems to look for me in the mornings.

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I pulled the SD card from the camera that monitors the barn and shop, and discovered that it did capture the mother doe that I saw checking on me at the window outside the workshop as I was getting ready for work. She stood there until she got a good look then she headed towards the feeder for a few bites, then off to her morning bed, which is within the big pine trees near the feeder. I put this together since the first video was taken with my cellphone and it was kind of short. Hope you enjoy this version offering perhaps a different perspective of my previous video

She's been doing this kind of thing since the beginning of this month and I do have other trail camera photography captures from other locations showing it. I just realized that this evening after reviewing the data from those other cameras.

Once again, I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading & watching!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
07/12/23 - setting things up @theotherfarm for the year.

Buck deer in the field mid afternoon during peak heat of the day today. Middle left at the base of the field hill.

100# whole corn + One Trophy Rock + One 35# bag Trophy Rock minerals to get a current inventory. Need to return later to take care of trail camera.

The young Cedar tree isn't lookin all that young much more. Seems to be taken off this year. Annual hunting blind setup area.

While leaving, I came across an old pile of yote scat with no hair in it, which is good thing I suppose if you're gonna have yotes around. There are some big yotes at this place that I need to take care of at some point. I arrowed a 55# male out of there in 2011 and shared it on the forum back then.

I had an appointment in the area of the other farm. So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone by afterwards, I stopped over there to start getting things set up for 'Plan B' if things start to go south at our place again this year. I have a few more appointments over the next two weeks in that area, After each one, I'll be stopping at the other farm to get everything all situated for the new year of wildlife management there.
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Supporting Member
Ross County

Video description:

A typical day at the main feedsite for the summer day. Since I shared the first 50 images earlier this morning, I thought I'd go ahead and share the rest of the daylight cellular trail camera captures of deer here at home. This does not include all the deer in the area, just the ones that showed up in front of either one of the two cellular trail cameras that I have up at home currently. I will be installing another sometime today.

Hope you enjoy and there will be plenty more uploads coming down the pike in the near future.

Thank you for reading & watching!.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Monday, July 17, 2023: NEW TC, RAIN GAUGE & MAINTENANCE


First daylight batchelor group for the day this morning, plus yesterday I hung a new Reveal cellular trail camera, rain gauge and thoroughly cleaned the main feed trough for the month, then replenished with fresh whole corn.

I hope you enjoy this brief update of some of things I did for the deer this weekend.

Thanks for watching & have a fantastic week!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Denny, what are the odds you have a big 6 point roaming around?

Eights are about the best I can do ya for, but you never know what's around the corner, especially around my neck of the woods. Roamers show up every year, so you just never know what or who's gonna show up this year.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Wednesday, July 19, 2023: 'SHYBUC' & Taking Inventory

Wasn't planning on creating a video today but, I figured this would be just as good as any other.


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As of this afternoon, all my trail cameras are up and running. I stopped @theotherfarm and swapped batteries, memory card, hung another camera and replenished the feedsite with 50# of whole corn, which is all I brought with me. The 100# plus the 35# of minerals was gone already in a week, like scorched earth gone! Anyway, all is good now and the deer should be happy at all locations. I was not planning on making a video today, but I couldn't resist because this is the first time 'SHYBUC' made his appearance in daylight at the feedsite with his new set of antlers. He still has plenty more growth to go yet with regards to this year's set of antlers. Last year he was a typical twelve (12) point so, I believe he still has some more growing to do yet.

I put all of his time spent at the feedstie in this video but, I sped it up by (4) four times just to keep the overall video brief with the latest update in getting my deer stuff together. I have a long history with 'SHYBUC' that goes back to 2019 and I've had multiple close encounters with him while hunting over the years. I've shared some of those encounters on this channel if you have not seen them previously and they are still available to view if interested. Last year he took a pretty good beating during the rut and I was concerned for him at the end of the season because like I said, he was in rough shape and look like he defended his home turf real good. Some of those videos are also available and are located in last years playlist.

If interested in seeing the longer version of his time spent at the feed site, then click the following link:

I hope you enjoy this unexpected, but brief update of some of the catchup things I did for the deer today, and some of 'SHYBUC's daylight action.

Thanks for watching and lookout for the next video upload coming soon!
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