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Wire Haired Dauchund


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I hope these people are at least covering your fuel, dog food, and time. I know you're just working on tips, but some of these are really running you around. Got to be frustrating. It would be for me e says anyway.
But the education I'm getting...
I now know "I smoked him" means there is blood somewhere (or not).
Heart/lung shot means its in the shoulder.
I get to see all the new and improved hunting gadgets.
If he says Rage suck... I know thats what he shot the deers shoulder with last year... 🤣🤣🤣
I have shot several deer that once recovered the entry hole was definitely not where I pictured at the time. The rush of it all and the desire to see it be a quick clean kill sometimes makes us convince ourselves it was better than it really was. I always keep telling the kids, slightly quartering away is always your best shot, so be patient to let it get in that position. For me that helps me focus on not taking a quartering to shot and at least wait for completely broadside or that quartering away.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Some of our questions may sound silly, but we were not there and need to see it like we were there.
Stand or blind?
How far from deer?
How high is your stand?
Did you look for blood past the arrow?
What color is blood?
Picture of the arrow?
Does the arrow stink?
How did deer act after the shot?
If deer stopped, what was the tail doing?
If deer stopped, did he walk or run afterwards?
Many are to help decide wait times to track.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio

I'm the one who's always waiting for you.
Your car has a special sound that I have imprinted on my senses, I can recognize it in a thousand.
Your steps have a magic bell.
Your voice is music to my ears.
If I see your joy, it makes me happy!.
Your scent is the best.
Your presence moves my senses.
Your waking up wakes me up
I contemplate you sleeping and for me you are my God, I am happy watching your sleep.
Your look is a ray of light.
Your hands upon me, hold the lightness of peace and the sublime display of infinite love.
When you leave, I feel a huge void in my heart.
I keep waiting for you again and again.
I am the one who will wait for you all your life today, tomorrow and forever:
I am your dog. ❤❤❤
View attachment 200798
I'm the one who's always waiting for you.
Your car has a special sound that I have imprinted on my senses, I can recognize it in a thousand.
Your steps have a magic bell.
Your voice is music to my ears.
If I see your joy, it makes me happy!.
Your scent is the best.
Your presence moves my senses.
Your waking up wakes me up
I contemplate you sleeping and for me you are my God, I am happy watching your sleep.
Your look is a ray of light.
Your hands upon me, hold the lightness of peace and the sublime display of infinite love.
When you leave, I feel a huge void in my heart.
I keep waiting for you again and again.
I am the one who will wait for you all your life today, tomorrow and forever:
I am your dog. ❤❤❤

We have been watching my daughter's dog all week and man does he fit this poem. He follows me all over, lays on my side of the bed, up and down all around, constantly wants my attention, whines when I go outside and everything. Haven't had a dog do that since Rusty the yellow lab we had. Nothing better than a dog like that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
This one is baffling for now:
Buck shot at 6:30 last night. 120 yd blood trail thought to be liver. We decided on 9 am...
Pics coming in at 11 hr mark:

Believe entrance hole.

Believe exit hole.

Swelling at 11 hrs?
Buck stood in same spot over 16 minutes at 5:30 am. And in same area for over an hour today. I figured he is lethal and said 22 hrs min. My tracking mentor said it was a great choice for 22 hrs. And yes, Something out of the ordinary kept him in that area for over an hour...
More to come...


Senior Member
I shot a doe that looked like a perfect hit back in 2006. I have pictures of the holes someplace, but anyway, the deer did exactly what that buck is doing. Stood barely moving, hunched up a little bit. Standing completely still for several minutes at a time, then walking a couple steps. I watched this deer 40-75 yards away barely moving for over an hour before it got dark, waiting for here to collapse. The next morning we jumped the deer less than 100 yards from where I last saw her. She ran out into a cow pasture and laid down in the wide open. My uncle jumped her, saw her standing before she laid down and saw the exit hole and could not believe the deer was still alive. I put an incredible stalk on that deer in the wide open field and killed her in her bed at less than 30 feet over 15 hours after I shot her. The initial shot was a single lung hit. No liver, no diaphragm, just one lung. How I missed the other lung completely at that angle and distance will forever be a mystery, but they can live a long time on one lung and don't seem to bleed much.