I tried an IM and the pattern was better using Hevi-Metal loads with an I/C. I am going to limit myself to 40 yard shots and I shot the patterns from 25 yards to 40 yards on a board. But this is with 3" shells. I need to get some 3.5's and I may change my mind or the pattern.
Correct me if I am wrong but the claim of the pattern master is that they are releasing the gas faster which puts the pellets out in front of the wad better. Buy looking at them they are doing this by bringing the ports closer to the crown? If so, many others do this also but haven't marketed it this way. I think a better designed wad would do this better than the choke since all it is really doing is constricting and some compensating/porting of gas.
That is good to know. Lol
I have Hevi Metal now. But had some black cloud. That could have been ugly.
Phil,hickslawns said:I think I am going to need to do some patterning here soon as well. Planning on carrying a shotgun for close range coyotes this year.
Let me know when/if you want to do some patterning, as I have an entire roll of patterning paper and you're welcome to as much as you need. It's an old end roll from the local news paper company and I've got plenty.
Sounds like a reason to buy another shotgun to me:smiley_chinrub:. Not honestly sure that any of my shotguns have screw in chokes though. Only one that does is not exactly what I would carry into the field to throw in the mud and weeds to coyote hunt with. Maybe just see how the patterns hold at different yardages with different loads is my only real option. l