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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Yep via email, it was actually a follow up saying that I hadn't filled out the one that was sent to me early in the year. Wish it would have went to someone that actually hunted more than a dozen time this year though!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah, I voted no on that one too. Wish we had the deer to support an extra season, but I don't think we do.


Blame the Coyotes??

Thats ridiculous. If anything, the Coyotes are doing it right in this equation. They seek the young and the sick. The hunters take out the strong and healthy. So..I see no argument with Coyotes causing any problems or i should say .."The problem."


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Blame the Coyotes??

Thats ridiculous. If anything, the Coyotes are doing it right in this equation. They seek the young and the sick. The hunters take out the strong and healthy. So..I see no argument with Coyotes causing any problems or i should say .."The problem."

Last Wednesday I walked a Fencerow that is about 30 yards wide and three quarters of a mile long. I had walked it two weeks prior shed hunting. On this trip I found to does torn apart by coyotes. One of them was backed up against the fence where it got thick along the Fencerow. The other back against a thick inside corner of the field. Neither were small does both were picked clean down to the bone in less than two weeks


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Blame the Coyotes??

Thats ridiculous. If anything, the Coyotes are doing it right in this equation. They seek the young and the sick. The hunters take out the strong and healthy. So..I see no argument with Coyotes causing any problems or i should say .."The problem."

There is the problem. Take out too many young and guess what...Shrinking deer numbers


Senior Member
Last Wednesday I walked a Fencerow that is about 30 yards wide and three quarters of a mile long. I had walked it two weeks prior shed hunting. On this trip I found to does torn apart by coyotes. One of them was backed up against the fence where it got thick along the Fencerow. The other back against a thick inside corner of the field. Neither were small does both were picked clean down to the bone in less than two weeks

Someone needs to start snaring..



Its been ocuring for millions of years. Natural selection.

But what has not been occuring for millions of years is todays ideology. Remove the strong and healthy.

The coyotes only make the species of deer stronger through natural selection. I have no problem with coyotes in my hunting area..They are just pesky little knats to a 150 lb doe or a 220lb buck.

They take out the young and the weak. Prey species survive by overwhelming their predators through high populations. The laws of Probablity support this claim. Its the "overwhelming factor" that is being tinkered with by DOW that may spell trouble in the future.
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio

Its been ocuring for millions of years. Natural selection.

But what has not been occuring for millions of years is todays ideology. Remove the strong and healthy.

The coyotes only make the species of deer stronger through natural selection. I have no problem with coyotes in my hunting area..They are just pesky little knats to a 150 lb doe or a 220lb buck.

They take out the young and the weak. Prey species survive by overwhelming their predators through high populations. Its the overwhelming factor that is being tinkered with by DOW.

That may spell trouble in the future.

Your right but your forgetting that we didn't have 500k hunters helping the yote kill off deer. The other thing is the fact that yotes have changed the way they hunt. How many would hunt in PACKS years ago ? I'm talking in numbers of 4+ yote taking on a single deer. I don't care how big or strong that deer is it's going down if they want it. The yote are adapting to hunting here now and have found they can take on bigger and stronger pray in numbers and make a pretty good living at it.



I think its more detrimental to the herds survival for a hunter to kill a Seasoned Doe of 4 to 7 yeras of age then for Coyetes to kill fawns. Kill the matriarch Doe's and the species becomes the dumb leading the dumb.

Ohio has mature bucks because it has mature Doe;s.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

Its been ocuring for millions of years. Natural selection.

But what has not been occuring for millions of years is todays ideology. Remove the strong and healthy.

The coyotes only make the species of deer stronger through natural selection. I have no problem with coyotes in my hunting area..They are just pesky little knats to a 150 lb doe or a 220lb buck.

They take out the young and the weak. Prey species survive by overwhelming their predators through high populations. The laws of Probablity support this claim. Its the "overwhelming factor" that is being tinkered with by DOW that may spell trouble in the future.

You are incorrect. Coyotes will hunt down and kill whatever deer they choose. A deer does not need to be sick, or weak for a coyote to kill it. Deer have a relatively short endurance, coyotes do not. Coyotes will follow a deer until the deer is too tired to continue. Coyotes do not get tired...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Additionally, coyotes have not been a factor in Ohio until recent years. I saw my first coyote in 91, and was as amazed as if I'd seen bigfoot.


If a coyote hunts down a mature deer..then more often than not that deer has something wrong with it. There are exceptions.
Hunting down healthy, strong mature prey animals in the prime of their lives goes against the Laws of nature.

One kick to the face by 220lb buck will kill a 40lb coyote instaneously..and they know it :)
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Senior Member
If a coyote hunts down a mature deer..then more often than not that deer has something wrong with it. There are exceptions.
Hunting down healthy, strong mature prey animals in the prime of their lives goes against the Laws of nature.

One kick to the face by 220lb buck will kill a 40lb coyote instaneously..and they know it :)
Then go watch the game cam pics of the yotes taking down the big buck... Yotes were never pack hunters until they started breeding with wolves...


How do we know there was something not healthy about that buck? That buck stood its ground from the beginning..thats odd behavior from the get go...
If the coyotes killed it..there was something wrong with it. The laws of nature.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Iowa has been seeing a reduction that from this article seems similar to what some of us have witnessed in OH. The percent reduction in Iowa referenced in this article is very real for some of our counties in Ohio. Difference I see is in the approach taken from the Iowa DNR vs. our own here in OH.

Here is the article:

Iowa deer population reduced by 30 percent
The Hawk Eye

Hunters reported harvesting 121,407 deer in Iowa during the 2011-12 seasons, which is 4.5 percent lower than the 127,094 deer reported in 2010-11, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

To date, Iowa's deer population has been reduced by 30 percent from its peak in 2006 and still is declining.

"Deer numbers in many areas are near or below the department's objective," said Dale Garner, chief of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Bureau. "We are hearing complaints from hunters that they are not seeing the number of deer they had in the past, and some are voicing their concerns that the herd reduction may have gone too far."

The DNR will review the harvest and population surveys this spring and make proposals to reduce the deer kill and stabilize deer where deer numbers are at or below the goal.

Current data indicates it will be necessary to adjust the antlerless quota and season structure to stabilize declining deer numbers.

In areas where deer numbers have not reached the department's goal, hunters still will have the option to kill extra does. Many of those areas are near cities and towns where hunting is restricted due to safety or in southern Iowa, where hunting pressure is lower.

There were 392,930 deer licenses issued during 2011-12, down slightly from the previous year's total of 394,298.

Does were the majority, 52 percent, of the reported harvest for the seventh consecutive year.


Iowa's chief seems to be listening to the hunters...seems they acknowledge they have achieved or exceeded target reductions in areas. Perhaps I am wrong and maybe it is just my perception, but if the ODNR would come out with a similar release and back it with action, there would be much more support for them.
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