Iowa has been seeing a reduction that from this article seems similar to what some of us have witnessed in OH. The percent reduction in Iowa referenced in this article is very real for some of our counties in Ohio. Difference I see is in the approach taken from the Iowa DNR vs. our own here in OH.
Here is the article:
Iowa deer population reduced by 30 percent
The Hawk Eye
Hunters reported harvesting 121,407 deer in Iowa during the 2011-12 seasons, which is 4.5 percent lower than the 127,094 deer reported in 2010-11, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
To date, Iowa's deer population has been reduced by 30 percent from its peak in 2006 and still is declining.
"Deer numbers in many areas are near or below the department's objective," said Dale Garner, chief of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Bureau. "We are hearing complaints from hunters that they are not seeing the number of deer they had in the past, and some are voicing their concerns that the herd reduction may have gone too far."
The DNR will review the harvest and population surveys this spring and make proposals to reduce the deer kill and stabilize deer where deer numbers are at or below the goal.
Current data indicates it will be necessary to adjust the antlerless quota and season structure to stabilize declining deer numbers.
In areas where deer numbers have not reached the department's goal, hunters still will have the option to kill extra does. Many of those areas are near cities and towns where hunting is restricted due to safety or in southern Iowa, where hunting pressure is lower.
There were 392,930 deer licenses issued during 2011-12, down slightly from the previous year's total of 394,298.
Does were the majority, 52 percent, of the reported harvest for the seventh consecutive year.
Iowa's chief seems to be listening to the hunters...seems they acknowledge they have achieved or exceeded target reductions in areas. Perhaps I am wrong and maybe it is just my perception, but if the ODNR would come out with a similar release and back it with action, there would be much more support for them.