So I'm starting to talk to this girl from Minnesota. Her granddaddy may or may not own a potato farm. Thought ya'll would enjoy this.
Who knew that me adding a bow to my arsenal would cause chicks to dig me? It just keeps getting better and better... and there's go to be some love that she's interested in vertical bows, not xbows...but the 'old school' reference...damn I'm gunna have to do trad bow next.
To answer your question, I’m cool with hunting. People have been hunting animals since forever and I don’t see a problem with it. I’ve never been hunting before but if I ever had the chance, I would try it. Minnesotans are huge on hunting and fishing. The one thing I don’t think I could do is shoot a deer. I’ve seen Bambi. I would probably feel bad. Or a bunny (theta thumpers). Shooting birds would be great, especially turkeys because I got chased by one at a petting zoo in elementary. What would be really sweet would be using a bow and arrow! Do people do that? not like a cross bow crazy thing but old school like Pocahontas? I did some archery back in the day and I was pretty awesome.
Let me guess, you love hunting?
Who knew that me adding a bow to my arsenal would cause chicks to dig me? It just keeps getting better and better... and there's go to be some love that she's interested in vertical bows, not xbows...but the 'old school' reference...damn I'm gunna have to do trad bow next.