Hope everything is okay Dale.
Ben- I don't feel like a "winner" right now. My wife and i both work hard. Because of this, I am penalized. When I say i am going to seek out my "inner loser", I really mean it. The tax structure is truly penalizing us. It is taking away my drive to do well. Take away the income tax, and just figure in the sales tax I collect from our customers, the payroll taxes I pay, the CAT tax, the sales tax I pay on goods purchased, and all the other taxes total I pay, and it is truly depressing. Let's not forget the fuel tax and property taxes. I could live on the taxes I pay. Not the income tax alone, but when you add up all the taxes I collect or pay in, it totals more than what my income was last year. Really just makes you feel like you are just turning dollars.
Ben- I don't feel like a "winner" right now. My wife and i both work hard. Because of this, I am penalized. When I say i am going to seek out my "inner loser", I really mean it. The tax structure is truly penalizing us. It is taking away my drive to do well. Take away the income tax, and just figure in the sales tax I collect from our customers, the payroll taxes I pay, the CAT tax, the sales tax I pay on goods purchased, and all the other taxes total I pay, and it is truly depressing. Let's not forget the fuel tax and property taxes. I could live on the taxes I pay. Not the income tax alone, but when you add up all the taxes I collect or pay in, it totals more than what my income was last year. Really just makes you feel like you are just turning dollars.