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The TOO dump thread


Tatonka guide.
Dang Mike. Sounds like a touchy situation. I have a neighbor across the road from the GF who is a complete douch. 18 YO kid, fuggin punk.. Straight out the holler of KY. How they afforded a house in her neighborhood is beyond me.. Screams at his mother, calls her a fucking bitch.. Oh yeah. The whole 9.. Has 2 rice burner cars with really loud fart cannons. Revs motors at midnight etc.. I'm just waiting, patiently, I know it'll happen one day, He'll cross that street and he's going to go down like a 2 dollar whore.

Have you not learned ANYTHING from Eddie Murphy?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What's wrong with the hollers in Kentucky? When did you turn into an uppity snob? lol

Not as productive as I would like, but the guys are finishing a job. Pulled them off the job, bought them lunch, stuffed water into their glasses, and generally tried to stall them into a longer lunch in the AC. Best I can offer on a day like this. I was out all day until 1pm and then broke loose from working outside as well. I know what they are dealing with.

Here is my real beef. I come home, get the mail, and now I am going thru an administrative subpoena for a former employee. MInd you, I did nothing wrong. He is in court for something else. I simply have to supply information about payroll type stuff he had collected. This is the crap nobody sees from the outside. This is a complete waste of my time. I gain zero out of this. Just another thing to add to my list of crap to do. Frustrating. Not the first time, and probably won't be the last time I have to do something like this either. Just part of having employees on a payroll. aaaaarrrrgggghhhh

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Not as productive as I would like, but the guys are finishing a job. Pulled them off the job, bought them lunch, stuffed water into their glasses, and generally tried to stall them into a longer lunch in the AC. Best I can offer on a day like this. I was out all day until 1pm and then broke loose from working outside as well. I know what they are dealing with.

Be careful, that's dangerous stuff on a day like today, hopping out of a truck or leaving a house that's AC after working, cooling off, and going back into it...we got to work in the shade for 2/3 of our day today. No breeze but every bit helps in these temps!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree Huck. They had been at it since 6am. We ate at noon and there was a couple hours of work left on the job. I figured it was safe enough. Miserable hot out there today.


Staff member
I've had my eyes on 150 acres down the road from my house for a couple of years now. It butts up against 40 that I have permission on, but that 40 ain't much for hunting. Just a great access point. Anyways, the 150 is land locked except for a lease road the oil company uses and you can't see it from the road. I know the general area and it produces some good deer.

So tonight after work I try to find the owner who lives on WV. Got lost 3 times and talked to 2 people who had no idea who this guy was. Google mapped the road wrong and the address I found was the wrong house number. When I do find the guy, he employs 100 people and 12 of them have permission to hunt it, along with his nephew. All Mountaineers. Fuggin nonsense...

That even makes hillering dangerous!!!


Staff member
Why is that when we are in the truck headed to ball games and I'm jamming out trying to get my head in the game, my wife wants to fucking talk?!? SHUT UP ALREADY!!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Lmao Jesse! Join the club! You add kids to the equation just leave the radio off and put Dora or Barney in the cars DVD player just so you can have peace and quiet. Lol

My bro and I stopped by the farm and went down to the "Wolf Oak" where we put some of dads ashes over Fathers Day weekend and some trespasser took the marker we placed over it. It was a perfect 20# block of sandstone dad and us got off an old homestead on our property. We were pissed to say the least!!!


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Had a guy at work today pressure checking a 8V92 diesel engine when one of the threaded plugs in the left head failed and shot out like a shotgun! Hit him right square in the forehead, dropped him like a bag of hammmers, knocked him out cold!! after a trip to the E.R. he ended up with a huge goose egg, broken nose and a concussion, I don't think he is gonna enjoy this weekend !


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My bro and I stopped by the farm and went down to the "Wolf Oak" where we put some of dads ashes over Fathers Day weekend and some trespasser took the marker we placed over it. It was a perfect 20# block of sandstone dad and us got off an old homestead on our property. We were pissed to say the least!!!

Freaking despicable. I am pissed just reading this. I think things like this infuriate me more than just about anything. Liars and thieves piss me off.