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Finelyshedded Turkey 2013 Spring season


Senior Member
I would always use my box call that had an elastic strap on it. Hook that strap over the handle like when you are carrying it, grab the box call by the opposite end, and shake the hell out of it. It doesn't sound exactly like an old Tom but with some practice it comes pretty close.


Coshocton, OH
Yeah Marcus, I can see how it'd make you wonder. Does anybody make a great gobbling call? I bought one that totally sucks a few years ago. IMO, that'd be the call TOO use! Of course you'd have to use it wisely or you could get shot!
I've heard the haint gobble call is sweet but very difficult to master.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Trying some mid afternoon hunting today. Got setup here at 2:00.

Didn't bump anything and all is quiet here for now. I'll give it till 3:30 then I got to head home and get ready for work.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I have a TC straight ahead but slightly off to the left. I have some mid afternoon video of toms cruising through here.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Nothing happening here so I swapped the card(3 videos) and snuck 200+ yards over towards my other TC and will sit here for another 30 minutes. Ran across this little feller along the way.

I haven't heard or seen any turkeys yet.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
After I settled into my second set I got a gobble response after my first call at 3:08pm. I stuck around till 3:40 calling lightly a few times in between. I think if I was able to hunt till sunset I might have had some action but I had to get home and get ready for work.
Pulled both cards and got a few pics off video.

I'll try to get out a few times before weeks end.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You are relentless brother! Way to stick it out. Wish I had time to get back out there. Not looking good. On the flipside though, when I finished mowing today at 8pm I jumped in the tractor to turn some ground. We are putting in corn this year and needed to work the ground while it wasn't too wet. My buddy saw 2 bucks before I got there and they were branching out already to about the tips of their ears! Tell me that won't give the Ric and Ron show some wood. lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I must be crazy but just got home from Wallyworld doing some grocery shopping after work and getting ready to suit up and head out to hunt these fugging birds! I also need to mow my yard sometime today which is a 2.5 hour ordeal so I'm not sure how I'm going to squeeze in some sleep...ugh!

Hopefully I can kill one early and hop in the sack before 8 and start mowing this afternoon before heading off to work. We'll see!

Goodluck to everyone heading out this morning.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Got birds firing off in 4 different locations all around me but still always off. Closest is probably 200 yards or so. It's pretty foggy here in spots though.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Last gobble heard about 5 minutes ago with just a little hen chatter. Must have heard at least 80-100 gobbles since just before 6. They didn't seem to eager to head my way and probably wanting me to go to them like text book but I'm not moving. I'm in a great place and just hope one of them comes looking for me. Had at least five different birds respond to my calling.