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The TOO dump thread


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I was listening to the Hagg sing "Workin' Man Blues" tonight at work and couldn't help but think how shitty many Americans work ethics are these days.....:smiley_confused_vra:smiley_boos:

Yep, sad but true Bro. It starts with how we are raised. Parents mold their children's beliefs,attitudes,values,work ethics and integrity.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Woke up several times in the middle of the night with my nose plugged or running, bunch of thick crap in my throat, a sore throat, and I swear coughing at the same time. Popped a claritan a few hours ago....dang just hate feeling like crap!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Woke up several times in the middle of the night with my nose plugged or running, bunch of thick crap in my throat, a sore throat, and I swear coughing at the same time. Popped a claritan a few hours ago....dang just hate feeling like crap!

cottonwoods should be in full force soon.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't consider myself to be allergic to anything, but when you can see the pollen float by in the air, it sucks!

My allergies went crazy a few weeks ago. When you bump into a pine and yellow dust falls from the tree in a cloud. . . . Those with allergies are in trouble. My shirt looked like I was in trouble in grade school and the teacher was making me clean the erasers used for the chalk board. My kids will never experience this. Lol. They have dry erase now or computers.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
fuggin pulley that is on the PTO clutch for my lawn tractor split right in half. Can't replace just the pulley either. Got to get a new PTO clutch, and the cheapest I have found is $119.00. Just what I needed with a half mowed lawn.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
fuggin pulley that is on the PTO clutch for my lawn tractor split right in half. Can't replace just the pulley either. Got to get a new PTO clutch, and the cheapest I have found is $119.00. Just what I needed with a half mowed lawn.

Did you call Glenn's yet?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
fuggin pulley that is on the PTO clutch for my lawn tractor split right in half. Can't replace just the pulley either. Got to get a new PTO clutch, and the cheapest I have found is $119.00. Just what I needed with a half mowed lawn.
What type/make is it?
I just had to replace parts on the mower deck on the Husq. I found all sorts of on-line places that will sell just the part off a blow-up scamatic


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
It is a John Deere G110. Glens was one of the first places I called. The local dealer has it in stock but its $178, screw that. The one I found for $119 is on ebay. No luck @ partstree. The part number I need is GY20878. If anyone else has some other resources I would be glad to know.
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*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Long night last night, starting itching really bad and breaking out in a rash around my pants line and my back, then it got to the point that it felt like it was on fire! Wife finally made me go to the E.R, long story short they said I have broken out with shingles! This shit ain't no joke, you lay down on your back, which is the only way I can lay and it fuggin burns and gets worse and worse till you get up and then it itches like hell! Try to scratch it and then it really lights you up! They gave me some meds and some kind of cream and I have to call some kind of specialist Monday, hip feels pretty good still though, the E.R. DR. told us that its not uncommon for this to happen to people after a major surgery, I knew things were going TOO damn good.!!!! It has subsided a little this morning but still is driving me crazy!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Oh the ol chicken pox for adults. Man that has to suck. Surprised they didn't give you a steroid shot. Hope it gets better soon buddy. Can't be much fun.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had the shingles about 25 yrs. ago right at the beltline also and it does suck.
The oldest daughter had the shingles about 20 yrs. ago right above the beltline.
The DIL had it about 9 yrs. ago in her ear and still has minor balance problems.
Every person who has had chicken pox in the past is liable to get the shingles.
Hopefully not twice.
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