Long night last night, starting itching really bad and breaking out in a rash around my pants line and my back, then it got to the point that it felt like it was on fire! Wife finally made me go to the E.R, long story short they said I have broken out with shingles! This shit ain't no joke, you lay down on your back, which is the only way I can lay and it fuggin burns and gets worse and worse till you get up and then it itches like hell! Try to scratch it and then it really lights you up! They gave me some meds and some kind of cream and I have to call some kind of specialist Monday, hip feels pretty good still though, the E.R. DR. told us that its not uncommon for this to happen to people after a major surgery, I knew things were going TOO damn good.!!!! It has subsided a little this morning but still is driving me crazy!