It comes up enough that it earns its own thread IMO, so here it is. The official Scent Smoker thread here on TOO. I've dug up some good reviews and the like for people to read. You can also click here to purchase a smoker or watch this YouTube clip to learn more about it from our very own deerjunkie and rgecko23.
The following reviews are from satisfied The Ohio Outdoors members and loyal Scent Smoker users...
The following reviews are from satisfied The Ohio Outdoors members and loyal Scent Smoker users...
Jackalope: Co-Owner The Ohio Outdoors said:From Scent Smoker Site:Probably one of the biggest skeptics of the Scent Smoker there ever was is Joe Wilson. Joe bought a Scent Smoker to test during the 2007 season. Originally he purchased the Smoker to "Put it to the test". Not convinced by the smoker and tired of the constant chatter on Ohio hunting forums he set about to put this myth to bed.. And he knew the perfect place. He hunted a hollow in Vinton County Ohio that always had plenty of deer but the only consistency with the wind was it swirled.. Despite his efforts with commonly accepted scent control products he would always get busted hunting this setup. He smoked up his clothes, gear, and self then snuck in for a hunt ready to disprove the smoker and put that topic to bed.. Joe had 15 deer all around him for 20 minutes and walked out dumbfounded after filling his tag on a nice doe.. Since that day Joe has been know to say time and time again on the same forums. "I'd rather leave my camo at home before I left my smoker" In 2011 Joe connected on this dandy Ohio buck that gross scored 164 3/8. Since that first doe Joe has became one of the outspoken supporters of Scent Smoker there is.. Matter of fact. I believe in it so much I agreed to build this site for Brock. You guessed it. That's me, the Webmaster.
Jesse: Co-Owner The Ohio Outdoors said:Like many of the guys on this site, I was a huge skeptic when I was first introduced to the Scent Smoker. At the time, I was a Scent Blocker fanboy and scoffed at anything outside of that narrow minded point of view. The idea of making myself “stink” was hard to grasp, but after hearing enough respected deer hunters speak of its effectiveness, I had to see what all the hype was about. Using a buddy’s smoker, I did my best to make myself smell like bonfire and hit the woods. The plan was to hunt a stand overlooking a small food plot in an oak flat with the complete wrong wind. That evening I sat in amazement as 2 mature does with fawns fed in the plot for over 8 minutes before moving off, all the while inside 40 yards. The lead doe could smell something, but it was never enough to alarm her; something that has become a trend for me over the years.
I've been fortunate enough to kill two 6.5 year old bucks with a bow thanks in part to the Scent Smoker. One was killed at 32 steps downwind in stiff breeze. He stood at eye level for over a minute trying to smell me before flicking is tail and taking the last 2 steps I needed to slip one through him. He never knew what hit him. The other pictured below was killed at 8 steps downwind standing on the trail I walked in on. Again, he never had a clue.
There is no doubt in my mind that using the smoker is the single most effective tool, tactic, approach, etc. that I have in my arsenal. No ifs, ands or buts about it… It works!
I was a skeptic for a few years before I finally decided to give it a shot. My routine is similar to a lot of bowhunters, in that my clothes, undergarments, packs, harness, etc. are washed regularly in scent free detergent. They're all kept inside of plastic totes. Boot are as well. Everything I take into the woods I try to be as diligent as possible not to contaminate with household smells (pets, anything fragrant, garage odors like gas, etc). I shower before every hunt and try to use scent free soaps & deodorants throughout most of the bowhunting season even when I'm not hunting so that residual odors from other soaps aren't present.
I don't wear any hunting clothes while I drive to the places I hunt. Everything remains sealed in their containers until I get to the spot I'm hunting. Then I change clothes, outside, no matter if it's 70 degrees, or 0 degrees, 4:00 AM in the morning or 2:00 PM in the afternoon. my hunting clothes don't see the inside of my truck (even though I wipe it down with scent free wipes, and wash my seat covers in scent free detergent). As I'm getting ready I grab a handful of oak chips, toss them in the smoker, and fire it up with a torch. It's ready to go in minutes and I smoke myself, my layers as they're getting put on, and my gear. Put out the smoker, and hunt.
It's just a part of my routine that I allow time for, just like a lot of folks spray down. I sparyed down for years too, and was skeptical about using a smoker, but I can tell you first hand that it flat out works. I've had deer that ended up down wind of me, smelled the smoke, then just relaxed and went about their business. This has happened enough times in the field that I'll have a tough time about taking this out of my routine. You're never, ever, ever going to completely fool a deer's nose unless the wind is in your favor. That's it, but the smoke smell kills odor causing bacteria, prevents new odors from forming, and masks the human scent that you can never, ever, ever completely eliminate. No matter how often you try to hunt the perfect wind, there will be times when it changes direction, swirls, or shifts from what the forecast said. I always try to put every variable I can in my favor, and this is just another one of those things that can help make a difference.