I've had my coffee & I'm getting ready to go out.... & mulch leaves. I have to work the next three days then off another 3 weeks. I'll then hit the woods Tues morn & dedicate that time off for meat & horns. Good luck fellas !
Sat till 10:30. Nothing, not a doe, a buck, a fawn .... nothing...Again.
Hmmm... Lets see here, sleep in, stay in the nice warm cozy house. Maybe even stay in my pajamas. Sip some coffee, watch some T.V....
...Oh no, get up early, get dressed in clothes that smell like a campfire, go out in the cold, climb a tree, and sit there waiting to see some mythical creature that I'm not even sure reall exists.
Kinds feel like a dumbass.
Not sure if i can get back out this afternoon, but I sure hope so.
Something's gonna die
Put the waterfowl gear away and picked up my deer stuff. Drove to the cabin and realized I forgot my smoker...ugh. Drove back home and my 5 y/o says she wants to go hunting. Load all the stuff to take a kid and get almost to the hunting spot and she says she now feels sick. Drove her back home. Lol
Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee....
Flop it over your stand rail. Well for you I guess squat and pee between your platform.
Nothing is safe tonight. Maybe a small buck. I am not expecting much with the wind and also this location is hit or miss. Just in one of those "Burger in da freezer" mindsets tonight.