Slept like crap. Weird dreams. Sweated all night. Up now. Getting ready to shower, smoke up and hit the woods. Pretty dang certain the Warm Bag is going with me today. (Poor man's version of the Heater Bodysuit.) Killed a nice doe out of this stand this year and last. Only standing corn for several miles. Heck, only standing crops for miles. My gut feeling? Not sure I have one. Hoping to just see some action but it is generally not until a couple hours after daylight when I see action here. Going to be a lot of shivering prior to this if today is like most days there. West winds. East side is naturally shut off. I am sitting on this eastern side where a N/S fence rows meets up with the end of an E/W fence row. Will have corn NW and SW of me on either side of the fence rows. Should be excellent if there are any bucks cruising as the does tend to hang out here no matter what the crop. Problem is they also tend to take their good ol' time wandering around this big field. Thru the corn. Around the corn. In/out of the fence rows. There really is not much pressure here so they wander aimlessly. Only one place I feel I could see better action. This would be a couple hundred yards west of this stand between another N/S fence row and the other end of the E/W fence row I will be sitting in. That stand would put me at the intersection of 3 corn fields, one food plot, and 2 fence rows. Unfortunately, it is tough to access with standing corn and I would just as soon leave the deer clueless they are being hunted.