Heading out after church sometime. Saw five yesterday. Bumped one coming in. Stalked my way to the stand best I could in the snow. Stalked to one stand and climbed it to observe. Saw nothing. Got down and continued working my way in. This is when I bumped a small doe or button. Not sure which. Climbed into my stand and saw a blob in the weed/snow. Pulled the binos to my eyes and thought "Sweet, that is a decent doe!" Glad I took my time glassing "her". Small buck. He got up a couple times to stare me down, but remained bedded 75yds away from my stand the entire sit. I later saw another deer get up that was with him. Pretty sure it was a doe, but I am overly cautious to not pop any button bucks on this farm. Shot two last year (not this farm), and don't want to shoot any here this year. Did see two more move across an opening about 100yds from me from this stand, but couldn't tell if they were does or buttons either. They weren't overly large. Going back this afternoon. I want to kill a big doe. Owner of the farm needs a cape. One of my employees could use the meat. Going to try to do my part to help both of them.