Then maybe you won't worry so much about what so and so thinks about how many inches of antler that buck you killed had.
I'm not worried about what so and so thinks. The reason I want to kill a big buck (140+) is because that's what I want to do. I got over impressing others two seasons ago. Our county will produce the caliber of deer I'm after, hell the properties I'm on have done it in the past. However with numbers down, the amount of big deer are also down. I need to find new spots that have better numbers in areas with rich genetics to kill what I'm after. I will not deny that a 130" is a good deer. But that is not what I want to shoot right now.
As for the stick bow, I'm not feeling it man. I don't have that gene in me apparently. Or the balls. But I can live with that...
The thought of shooting a small buck just to shoot it because I have a stick in my hands does not even remotely appeal to me. Shooting does is another thing and that could very well be happy. But I'm not shooting little, immature bucks again regardless of weapon.
I have to ask. Why are you so worried about the score of the deer that you are going to shoot? Who should it matter to? It should matter to you and you only.
Because I want to kill a big buck. Can't a guy just want to do that without the ridicule? :smiley_blackeye:
Look, I know I'm blessed to have the time, access, and I'd like to think the ability to get myself on P&Y caliber deer every fall. However I'm no longer happy just shooting a P&Y caliber deer. For nearly a decade I've wanted to kill an OBB qualifier and it has continually eluded me. I'm after that rush that comes with shooting a truly big deer. Last year's buck just fueled that fire even more at 139"; so close I could almost taste it. I want to shoot something big for me because I feel I've paid my dues and I deserve it. If I keep shooting 130" deer, I'll never kill something big.
You know what frustrates me? Seeing guys kill deer of a lifetime that I could hunt circles around. That you could hunt circles around. I don't have that kind of luck or access apparently. Every year I see people simply bumble fuck themselves into the caliber of deer I'm after and that drives me friggin' insane! I shouldn't let it and you shouldn't let it frustrate you that I'm bitching and whining. You should know me well enough to know that I like to bitch and moan from time to time! Neither one of us should be letting something someone else does, says, or has done bother us unless it directly impacts us.
I can't explain what, but something has changed in me regarding my drive to bow hunt. My take is that a decade of busting my ass with little to show for it, combined with a new perspective as a father, is responsible for that. Add in the new found love of waterfowl that now provides me with excitement, drive, new challenges, and camaraderie that I have been looking for and my deer hunting really is starting to take a back seat. I only have so many resources and I see me moving those towards the waterfowl and becoming a causal deer hunter. The days of me embodying a diehard bow hunter are most likely over...