I can't explain it, but I don't have that burning desire to be in the woods right now. Hunted Thursday morning thinking the back side of that front would be hot. I sat 9:30 to 12:30 and saw 3 does with no buck in tow around 12:15. The wind was killer with the cold, damp air and I couldn't take it any more, so I packed up and went to a different farm. Last year was the first year I had hunted this farm, but only spent 2 evenings there. I chose to sit on the ground and had a very cool encounter with a young buck. I decided to go to work on Friday since things were so slow at the farm and at this place.
Yesterday morning I sat in a new spot on the farm that is part of Jack's wheelhouse. Pretty sure I saw him at 8:45, but he was going away from me and calling didn't produce any results. I saw another borderline shooter at 9:30 cruising a flat across the bottom from me. He grunted twice and ignored my calling. Never did see any does. I took the afternoon off to hang out with my old man and help him do some work around the farm. Went in to the area where my buddy hit Jack last year and had a decent hunt this morning. I saw a lone doe fawn at first light, so I was relieve to get the fear of a skunked hunt out of the way! (I make it a goal not to get skunked before gun season every year.) Around 8:15 I caught movement on the hogsback behind me. There were two doe standing there with a 110-115" 8 point. It was the most half hearted display of rut activity I have ever seen. Combine that luke warm encounter with a nasty wind, I climbed down at 9. We ate breakfast, drove around looking for deer and saw a huge 145" 10 point that made my day. I just didn't have the energy to sit tonight, so I hung a stand for tomorrow on my new farm. Found this on the way in. I can't wait to sit here in the morning...
2013 Stats
Does Sightings: 38
Bucks Sightings: 5
Different Bucks: 5
Shooters Seen: 2
Total Sightings: 43
Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0
Morning Hunts: 6
Evening Hunts: 5
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 11
Hours on Stand: 32
Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 54 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.34
Stands/Blinds Hunted: 7
Properties Hunted: 3
Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 12
Ducks/Geese Killed: 12 (4 geese, 2 drake mallards, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake hooded merganser, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)
Here is my little buck encounter from the other night. I could have smacked him on the end of the nose with an arrow...