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1023's 2013-2014 Hunting Log


Staff member
Thanks fellas. I'm a lot more relaxed about this than I would have been a few years ago. What will happen will happen and it'll happen in due time. All I can do is be there and execute. I know I'm in a spot that will produce sooner or later, so that helps too. Swantucky missed a 150+ on this hogsback a few years back. That buck did what Jack did and holed up with does in that bowl. If there's a hot doe in there, I'm golden.
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Staff member
I can't explain it, but I don't have that burning desire to be in the woods right now. Hunted Thursday morning thinking the back side of that front would be hot. I sat 9:30 to 12:30 and saw 3 does with no buck in tow around 12:15. The wind was killer with the cold, damp air and I couldn't take it any more, so I packed up and went to a different farm. Last year was the first year I had hunted this farm, but only spent 2 evenings there. I chose to sit on the ground and had a very cool encounter with a young buck. I decided to go to work on Friday since things were so slow at the farm and at this place.

Yesterday morning I sat in a new spot on the farm that is part of Jack's wheelhouse. Pretty sure I saw him at 8:45, but he was going away from me and calling didn't produce any results. I saw another borderline shooter at 9:30 cruising a flat across the bottom from me. He grunted twice and ignored my calling. Never did see any does. I took the afternoon off to hang out with my old man and help him do some work around the farm. Went in to the area where my buddy hit Jack last year and had a decent hunt this morning. I saw a lone doe fawn at first light, so I was relieve to get the fear of a skunked hunt out of the way! (I make it a goal not to get skunked before gun season every year.) Around 8:15 I caught movement on the hogsback behind me. There were two doe standing there with a 110-115" 8 point. It was the most half hearted display of rut activity I have ever seen. Combine that luke warm encounter with a nasty wind, I climbed down at 9. We ate breakfast, drove around looking for deer and saw a huge 145" 10 point that made my day. I just didn't have the energy to sit tonight, so I hung a stand for tomorrow on my new farm. Found this on the way in. I can't wait to sit here in the morning...

2013 Stats

Does Sightings: 38
Bucks Sightings: 5
Different Bucks: 5
Shooters Seen: 2
Total Sightings: 43

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 6
Evening Hunts: 5
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 11

Hours on Stand: 32

Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 54 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.34

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 7
Properties Hunted: 3

Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 12
Ducks/Geese Killed: 12 (4 geese, 2 drake mallards, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake hooded merganser, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)

Here is my little buck encounter from the other night. I could have smacked him on the end of the nose with an arrow...



Staff member
Yesterday was a decent day. Passing a 130" 8 that was obviously mature was tough, so I'm glad he never came back! The lack of any rut sign at the farm has me confused. I'm off tomorrow and headed to my parents 11 acres. All 3 bucks on my wall came from there and I expect it to be a good sit.

2013 Stats

Does Sightings: 43
Bucks Sightings: 9
Different Bucks: 8
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 52

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 7
Evening Hunts: 6
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 13

Hours on Stand: 39

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 hours
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.33

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 9
Properties Hunted: 3

Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 12
Ducks/Geese Killed: 12 (4 geese, 2 drake mallards, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake hooded merganser, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)


Staff member
Another decent day in the woods despite not having an shot opportunities on anything I wanted to shoot. The spot I went to is a spot where I rarely see deer before 9AM. With the freezing temps, I slept in and was on stand by 9:30. Not long after I settled in, I heard a deep grunt followed by a growl in the thicket to the N of me. I saw big body and flashes of rack, but never did see the entire deer. I glassed a lone doe around 11, followed by a BB 5 minutes later. At 12:45 I caught a glimpse of rack in the CRP headed my way. My excitement dwindled when I saw it was a 130-135" 9 point. After warming up from 1-2, I was back on stand at 2:15. I immediately saw the 6 point in the video below following my minutes fresh trail to the stand. He stopped to hit a sign post rub (video) and then proceeded to trip over some downed fence that was covered by fresh leaves! lmao

I ended up seeing the 6 point again, the 9 point from the morning 3 times, and a small 4 point at last light. Over all a good day, but still no signs of the rut outside of the 9 points constant cruising. He was nervous every time I saw him, so I think there was a bigger buck locked down with a doe somewhere close. Back at it tomorrow.



2013 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 45
Bucks Sightings: 14
Different Bucks: 10
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 59

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 8
Evening Hunts: 7
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 15

Hours on Stand: 45.5

Average Time Per Hunt: 3+ hours
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.30

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 9
Properties Hunted: 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Pretty cool video Jesse! Your having some good action of late just keep at it buddy. There's gotta be a slob coming off a doe and cruising soon or at least I hope so! Good luck buddy!


Staff member
I don't even want to talk about what went down this weekend. I was destine to eat a tag this year and it has shown...

2013 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 46
Bucks Sightings: 17
Different Bucks: 11
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 63

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 1

Morning Hunts: 9
Evening Hunts: 9
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 18

Hours on Stand: 53

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 hours-ish
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.19

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 10
Properties Hunted: 3


Staff member
Time for an update.

I took last Thursday off and it turned out to be a fairly eventful day. I saw Jack, twice, along with 3 does. It appeared at one point that Jack was heading my way until a doe cut him off. Between the commotion the 20 turkeys were making when I arrived at my stand at 9 that morning, and the motion of me dropping my stand/pack, he bolted from his bed which was only 67 yards from my stand. He ran a little ways before slowing down and laying back down about 250 yards out. I sat quietly until 4 when I started a grunt/bleat series that I followed with a rattling sequence 15 minutes later. It was enough to get him on his feet, but not enough to end the saga.

Saturday morning was a decent hunt see 4 does and 2 bucks, with the first and only sign of the rut I saw all year. That evening I moved to my parents place and saw a small buck. Last night was just a doe and scrub buck.

My cousin sent me a text this morning saying he screwed up on a giant last night. It is the same deer I've been hearing about and whose sign I saw all over this new farm. This is my second year with permission on it, but I haven't spent much time out there. However that will change going in to next season. I'm now the only one bowhunting it and knowing there is a borderline to sure Booner running there will put a little fire in my belly!

I hesitate to even saying anything because I know how Mr. Murphy works, but I most proud of that fact that I have not been skunked to date. I'm picking good stands and the restraint of letting deer go at the farm has paid off with increased sightings this year. I've also hunted hard packing in stands, standing and glassing most of the hunt, and I've increased the length of my hunts. It's not been a good year, but it has been a good year...


2013 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 51
Bucks Sightings: 22
Different Bucks: 12
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 73

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 2

Morning Hunts: 10
Evening Hunts: 11
All Day Sits: 1
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 22

Hours on Stand: 70

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 hours 10 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.04

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 11
Properties Hunted: 3


Staff member
This is one of the deer on the new farm I picked up last year. My cousin almost killed him this weekend, so I'm hoping he can seal the deal on him Monday. Another good reminder I need to hunt more out there!



Staff member
It was TOO nice of an afternoon to sit inside, especially with an antlerless tag set to expire on Sunday and limited time to hunt this weekend. I put some corn out behind my parents place this weekend in preparation for gun season. My little sister asked me to take her out this year. In all her 22 years on this planet she has been on a grand total of 1 hunt and never with me, so I am looking forward to it. Easiest way to get that done is from the blind with a little incentive for the deer to visit our locale! Knowing the deer have had a few days to get used to the feeder being full (been in the same spot and empty for a year), I figured it was my best chance to fill that tag.

I got to my stand at 3:10 and was getting situated when I looked out the window facing W and saw this doe trotting down the hill after leaving the bedding area 200 yards W of this blind. I glassed the deer to make sure it wasn't a button buck, then kept watching her back trail for her momma. After a few minutes of waiting for momma, I decided I'd take this little Thanksgiving bounty given the snow, quickness of the hunt, and the general fact that little deer are tasty as hell! I let her feed for a couple minutes while I made sure that's what I wanted to do, then the temptation was TOO much. She put the front leg forward at 21 yards and the Mathews drove the arrow home. I was about 2" back from where I'd liked to have been as she wasn't quartered as much as I have thought, but she only ran 60 yards before expiring within 60 seconds. Slick Trick Mag took out her liver, clipped the front side lung and destroyed the offside lung. That's a 29" arrow and the entrance hole...

A little red paint on the snow...

She is laying within feet of where I missed a doe on my first ever bow hunt Christmas day in 1999. I've hauled a lot of deer out of this holler over the years...

She's not the biggest and it wasn't much of a "hunt" per se, but I'm very happy to have her hanging in my building over the Thanksgiving holiday. Just felt right taking a big of nature's bounty home tonight...


2013 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 52
Bucks Sightings: 22
Different Bucks: 12
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 74

Deer Killed: 1
Arrow'd Squirrels: 2

Morning Hunts: 10
Evening Hunts: 12
All Day Sits: 1
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 23

Hours on Stand: 70.25

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 hours 3 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.05

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 11
Properties Hunted: 3


Staff member
Back to work after a mildly exciting opening day. Spent the morning at the farm with every intention of getting deer on their feet since most opening days are quiet around there. It was a damn war all around us, so I sat tight until 10 before patrolling a little. Saw 3 does and a coyote. Further proof that I have the worst luck in the world! I was in a killer gun spot overlooking bedding areas and two saddles. I could visually cover 30 acres or more of prime habitat and the only 3 deer I saw came my way because they were spooked. Frustrates the fuck out of me that I continue to sit good spots hunt after hunt, year after year and I just can't seem to kill the big one. Had high hopes we'd see Jack yesterday given we were right in his core area and we didn't see an antlered deer between the two of us. (My buddy was there with me.)

Spent the afternoon driving at my uncle's farm. Helped his buddy get his first deer in 8 years, so he was pumped. Also took a neighboring farmers grandson out to get his first deer. Had a doe follow the script and gave him a perfect 50 yard broadside shot standing still, but he hit her high in the shoulder and we were unable to recover her. I have no doubts she'll live.

I missed a 130-135" 9 point the neighbor has pictures of on the last drive. He literally caught me with my pecker in my hands. It was a short drive and my uncle was 100 yards and closing it, so I didn't figure anything would come out. Sat my gun down to take a leak and mid-stream, I hear a deer running. I managed to get my pecker put away and was reaching for my gun when I saw it was a buck. By the time I realized it was a good buck, he was through the best of the shooting. I picked a hole and fired when he appeared, but could see a broken limb through my scope. Further inspection revealed it was a clean miss. Probably for the best that I missed my hail mary shot anyways. The deer was about the size of the one I passed a few weeks back with the bow and knowing that the neighbor Steve (GotOne) wants to see him grow, I'm glad I didn't kill one of his up and comers.

Hoping to get the wife out tomorrow...


2013 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 56
Bucks Sightings: 24
Different Bucks: 14
Shooters Seen: 5
Total Sightings: 80

Deer Killed: 1
Arrow'd Squirrels: 2

Morning Hunts: 11
Evening Hunts: 13
All Day Sits: 1
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 25

Hours on Stand: 76

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 hours 3 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.05

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 12
Properties Hunted: 4