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1023's 2013-2014 Hunting Log


Staff member
Had a decent hunt yesterday morning and almost killed a doe on film. She stopped at 20 yards and looked up in the tree at the two giant blobs above her head. A couple more looks was all she needed to get out of dodge. Another reason I don't like filming!

2013 Stats

Does Sightings: 14
Bucks Sightings: 3
Different Bucks: 3
Shooters Seen: 1
Total Sightings: 17

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 2
Evening Hunts: 3
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 5

Hours on Stand: 11

Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 12 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.55

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 2
Properties Hunted: 1

Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 8
Ducks/Geese Killed: 10 (4 geese, 1 drake mallard, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)


Staff member
What a great hunt tonight! It was the kind of night that reminds me of why I love to be outside!!!

Decided on the way back from working on the road today that if it was still overcast when I got home, I was heading to a new stand on a farm I just picked up last year. This was the first solid wind we've had for it and my scouting mission last night showed all the corn was off, so I was expecting to see something. On the way in to the stand, I bumped 23 wood ducks off a small farm pond 100 yards from my stand. I saw a few of them on the nearby creek last year, but nothing like this. That made my day before I ever got to the stand!

There was enough human activity going on to last me the rest of the season and I was worried it would bother the deer. All was quiet until 5:45 when the wood ducks began piling in to the pond. I was enjoying the show when I caught movement behind me to the E. It wasn't long before I spotted 3 does coming down the wood line towards me. The biggest one had a double throat patch, so I decided I'd shoot her if she gave me a good shot. It turned out that they exposed the weakness to this stand now that the corn is off. They veered away from me and all 3 crossed at 45 yards quartered away. Shortly after they left, 2 more does came through and did the same thing. Once they worked off, I decided to slip out and find a new tree, then glass the pond to see how many ducks were on there. I spotted 3 does and small buck on my stalk back to the truck, but the coolest part was the ducks! I bet 40 of them circled me a few times. In all, I saw 40-50 dump in to the pond and it was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Just a great cap to a great hunt! 9 deer and 40-50 ducks in a 2 hour hunt is a night I won't duplicate for a while!

2013 Stats

Does Sightings: 22
Bucks Sightings: 4
Different Bucks: 4
Shooters Seen: 1
Total Sightings: 26

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 2
Evening Hunts: 4
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 6

Hours on Stand: 13

Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 10 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 2

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 3
Properties Hunted: 2

Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 8
Ducks/Geese Killed: 10 (4 geese, 1 drake mallard, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)[/QUOTE]

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's a great way to spend an evening, Jesse. I'm betting the local deer get used to the sound of gunfire before long! :)


Staff member
It starts today! First hunt of the year on the farm and I'm headed to a stand I know Jack has been by several times in his life. I'm pumped!


Staff member
Sunday was proof that not killing does, along with providing food and cover can impact a deer herd in a short order. Three seasons ago, doe sightings were tough to come by and it made for tough hunts. Sunday morning we saw 8 different does. My buddy saw 3 in a group, then a lone doe later in the day. I had much the same situation. Because I was unsure of what tree I wanted to be in and with wet leaves, I decided to slip in at first light. I glassed 3 does on the way in that were feeding in the bottom. It wasn't long after I settled in that two yotes ran past me on the shelf full bore from W to E. Shortly after that, one came back, but never gave me a clean shot. Not 15 minutes after that, I heard a deer snort in the direction they yotes had went, which was also the way the wind was blowing and where I walked in. I never stood a chance! I ended up having another doe come down the shelf an hour later, but she picked me out of the tree, confirming my growing suspicion of the tree I'd hung in. I ended up seeing her again, along with one of the does that left at first light. She returned to feed as I was packing up at 11.

Last night I sat in our creek bottom expecting better action. A doe and her fawn waiting until last light to cross in to the bottom. I also had a lone deer working out of the sanctuary after I climbed down. It snorted at me as I was snorting at the other two deer trying to make them leave. It didn't sound like a buck as it bounded off.

It was slow, which was a shock. But I definitely have the does and that will pay off sooner or later...

2013 Stats

Does Sightings: 28
Bucks Sightings: 4
Different Bucks: 4
Shooters Seen: 1
Total Sightings: 32

Deer Killed: 0
Arrow'd Squirrels: 0

Morning Hunts: 3
Evening Hunts: 4
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 0
Total Hunts: 7

Hours on Stand: 20.5

Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 56 minutes
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: 1.56

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 5
Properties Hunted: 3

Hours spent duck/goose hunting instead of deer hunting: 12
Ducks/Geese Killed: 12 (4 geese, 2 drake mallards, 1 hen mallard, 1 drake hooded merganser, 1 drake woodie, 3 hen woodies)


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
It was slow, which was a shock. But I definitely have the does and that will pay off sooner or later...

You can bet on that! Where there are does, the bucks will soon follow. It's just a matter of time. Nice to hear that the property has bounced back TOO! Can't wait to see what happen with Captain Jack next!! Good luck man!


Staff member
What to do, what to do?!?

I've decided to start my vacation on Thursday and run at least through Monday. The winds should be good for my best stand which is on my parents 11 acres. However the neighbor to the W that feeds all the good deer our direction is home and hunting, so that will pressure them a bit. I could dive in balls deep and spend 5 days hunting Jack. I also have 260 acres close to home that is chalk full of deer and could produce a Booner just as easily as anywhere else I hunt. I have one tree picked out there that I believe is in a great spot, but the wind would may be iffy. Sometimes having choices is a hindrance...


Staff member
I'm going to get balls deep hunting Jack tomorrow. My wife works, which means I have the kid in the AM, so I am sleeping in a little. I'll leave around 7:30, which means I can be settled in a tree by 8:30. With the rain, it'll allow me to slip in to a spot where we've had great action during the rut in years past. Jack was holed up in this bowl with does two weekends in a row last year, so I know he likes it in there. The tree we've hunted in the past is about 30-40 yards from where it needs to be, so I can use the wet leaves to hide the noise and glass the bowl as I slip in tomorrow. The wind should let me hunt it all day tomorrow and Friday before I have to back out. Once the winds switch, I have a place on the other end of the ridge to set up for him. There is an interior scrape there that he hit last year at 9AM the morning my buddy hit him in the back of the leg. The plan is to spend 5 days hunting all day trying to kill him, then I'll go back to work for a couple days and spend the rest of November hunting wherever tickles my fancy.

I'm excited to match wits with him and see if I can accomplish something I've been trying to do for years and kill a specific deer 1 on 1...