I threw it out, but the snake is a garter snake, although the skin looked (to me) to be a bit bigger (rounder) than the actual snake was.
I didn't run so I got a good look at it and it was nice and fat, so it's certainly not starving. The puppies were just 2-3 feet from it, so I grabbed them as it slowly went thru the petition I have up for the puppy play area box.
The mouse that is currently in the glue is a full size mouse, so I don't know if the snake will attempt to eat it or not. It was about 18 inches long....not a baby.
Thank you so much for the picture! :smiley_blackeye:
Sounds like it might get kinda crowded inside the house this winter Diane.
Aren't nanner spiders poisonous Joe? Apparently the dude with his hand under it doesn't think so!