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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Senior Member
Take that ya bunch of punks!
No comments about my old ugly feet either!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'm just glad his winky is small enough that it didn't make the picture.
If you can take a picture with that angle and showing maybe 8 inches of leg and your purple headed yogurt slinger is in it your wife is a lucky woman and you must have problems wearing shorts.


Staff member
Keep it up and you'll be fat like me! LOL.

Still 220 here. Diet is on point, body refuses to let go of some fat. Good news is I can work from the new office now and that means I have access to a gym. I'll hit my goal of 205 before our trip to the beach in August.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Keep it up and you'll be fat like me! LOL.

Still 220 here. Diet is on point, body refuses to let go of some fat. Good news is I can work from the new office now and that means I have access to a gym. I'll hit my goal of 205 before our trip to the beach in August.

I refuse to see 222 ever again in my life! The normal weekend swing of 4-10lbs. didnt happen last week, beer tasted too good. Realized it today the trend has changed and not for the good. Gotta derail this train quick.
I'm just glad his winky is small enough that it didn't make the picture.

Well that should help me lose weight cause I lost my appetite...

Hilarious!! Keep at it Don! You're busting your ass to get where you are and all I've got are excuses! Now that I'm a few weeks from being in the hospital I have run out of excuses. Running around being a chaperone for my son's camp last week sure woke me up as all the stuff they had to do was a long walk up and down some pretty hilly terrain for Michigan. I am at least increasing my fiber intake by eating 1 pear, 1 plum and 1 apple a day. Just need to cut down on the food at dinner and any snacking too.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hopped on the scale yesterday and was 198.6 which is in my goal range of 195-199. Makes for 18 lbs lost from my peak at 217. I primarily used the weight watchers point system as a guide to better eating and prevent overrating for the day. I was allowed 49 points a day. To put it in perspective a regular taco bell taco is 3 points, a beef burrito supreme is 9 points. A slice of supreme pizza is 5 points. Light beer is 3 points. The killer is soda at almost 1 point per ounce. Vegetables and fruit is free. I like it because it assigned a point value to food and really shows you how to eat healthier which is the key to sustained weight loss. It puts a value on the food you eat. For example. I love the Caniac from Raising Canes. 5 chicken tenders, crinkle cut fries, and two pieces of garlic bread. The reality is the tenders are 6 points each, fries 12 points, bread 10 points. That's a total of 52 points! Not to mention I usually washed it down with a 30 oz pop. If I ate that I would be 3 points over for the day. Everything I would eat after that would go towards fat storage.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Hell ya Joe, nice work man! WW's worked for my wife and they are running a competition at work and it is definitely helping most who abide. I just can't do that, I like food and well, beer WAY to much lol. I about shit when I ran the numbers on what I thought was "good" from subway.


Staff member
Joe and I had this argument and I think WW is a little ridiculous, but it does work for people. My opinion is you eat food, not points. Just educate yourself on what "real" food is and you don't need a point system. WW provides people a structured outline on how/what to eat and most who are over weight need that. Overeating is an addiction like alcohol, drugs and tobacco can be.

To each his own and I'm happy for Joe that it worked. You know who it doesn't work for? Me. I'm fairly familiar with WW and when my diet is on point, I eat around 35-40 points a day. I should be allowed 50-52. So counting points may work for some, but it is certainly not the cure all either.