Thanks for the support fellas .
Chips are in the smoker and ready to roll. I'm not changing out the scent now especially knowing it worked the last time .
Learn as much as you can, but try not to get into any conversations about job specific information unless they ask. I wouldn't try to impress them with knowledge of the job unless you are well versed in it. Let's face it, some of my best employees over the years were not the most qualified. Many times a "qualified" person is set in their ways and won't listen to the way I run my show. Training an employee to your needs is many times the best if you have the time to train them and they stick around. In this situation though, I think you better at least have a decent understanding of what they are going to have you doing. Sounds like you already know this. Enjoy your homework! Good luck!
My brain hurts now.
I have been cramming in State Point Diagrams, Clarifier's, RAS, Chlorine, Grit Tanks, Aerators, and just about anything else I can find lmao.
found a pretty cool video during the search yesterday .