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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'm working a second shift and not getting home until midnight or later and just about going strait to bed. Before tonight I'd usually eat something first. I'm laying here in bed and can't fall asleep because I feel like I haven't eaten in a month! Last time I ate was around 7:30...that's when I had my lunch break. My question is, should I be eating a granola bar or something on the way home? Should I just eat a meal when I get home like I have been? I've always heard that eating before bed wasn't good for you, but....when a mothafuggers hungry, a mothafugger should eat! That's what I always said anyways, lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I work second shift also and I eat a heaping pile of food on my plate every night I get home, plus a pack of pop tarts. I go to bed around 3am, get up at 9:15 and do what I gotta do. I run my ass off at work and I have a high metabolism so I don't gain any weight. At one time I was 260 pounds, I'm down to around 227 now and have been for a while. What do you do at work,giles?


I'm working a second shift and not getting home until midnight or later and just about going strait to bed. Before tonight I'd usually eat something first. I'm laying here in bed and can't fall asleep because I feel like I haven't eaten in a month! Last time I ate was around 7:30...that's when I had my lunch break. My question is, should I be eating a granola bar or something on the way home? Should I just eat a meal when I get home like I have been? I've always heard that eating before bed wasn't good for you, but....when a mothafuggers hungry, a mothafugger should eat! That's what I always said anyways, lol.

If what you are doing is making you gain weight and you don't want to gain than you will have to do something different. Most of the time eating right before bed is not a good thing to do but if you are starving when you get home that's going to be tough. Just lower your calorie intake and excersise and you will lose weight. You can do it without exercise but its going to take longer.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Working at a Cargill grain elevator. I wouldn't call it real physical, but way more than I was sitting on the couch drinking beer all day...

I was up till 0400 starving and woke up with a hell of a headache. Not eating before bed ain't a gonna work. I'm going to have to eat something.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Cutting out pop did more for me than anything. I was drinking 4-6 cans a day and switched to water. Down to maybe 3 a week now. Can't help getting one now and then with a meal.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Cutting out pop did more for me than anything. I was drinking 4-6 cans a day and switched to water. Down to maybe 3 a week now. Can't help getting one now and then with a meal.

Exactly,i quit drinking pop 3 yrs ago other than Diet Dew on occasion.
That is the first thing a nutritionist will tell you to stop drinking.


Staff member
I'll echo the pop. I let myself have one Mickey D's coke a week since I love it more than anything, but that's it! I drinking nothing but water and coffee through the rest of the time. It makes a huge difference. Also, if you want a drink, find a red wine you like. Red wine has positive health benefits and can still help take the edge off. I don't drink beer through the week any more and that helps too.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I've never been big on drinking much pop anyways, so that was easy to cut out. I generally will have one vitamin water a day and then just water. I ain't drinking wine...I friggin hate that stuff! Makes me want to puke just smelling it. I'll go without alcohol before I drink that crap. This is day 6 without any alcohol...I will try and make up for it tomorrow night. Which means Sunday I'll remind myself how old I'm getting for that shit. Lol

I do enjoy a good Root Beer from time to time...