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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Down to 192 from 230. Took awhile but my clothes are getting baggy and I feel way better. Pretty much at my goal now if I can just maintain the 190-195 range.

I said that on 9/21. Weighed myself yesterday and still at 192. I can live with that. Just gotta keep doing what I've been doing and try not to over indulge around the holidays this year, too much anyway.


Staff member
After the initial shock of getting laid off was gone, the need to eat set in. I abandoned all my good habits and reverted to the gluttonous me that I hate to be. I was 224.5 this morning after 6 weeks of indulgence. Today is Day 1 of the Advocare 24-Day Challenge and Day 1 of me getting back to what works. When I'm on my A game with diet and exercise, I feel great. I'm a world beater when I've optimized my diet. I can't wait to get back to that. My primary goal for 2016 is to get down to 205 and stay there. I believe that's my optimal weight and one I'd be happy with maintaining.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck Jesse! You can do it!

If I can't just cut down on my carbs I'd be doing great! Friggin just love bread and pasta and beer.......UGH


Staff member
I'm down 9 pounds after completing the cleanse phase. I can't say that I really felt the "cleanse" cleaning me out, but I did lose weight. I attribute that to being very disciplined for 10 days. Other than what I had at the muzzy hunt, which I promptly walked off, I'd give myself an A+ on diet. Haven't had a drop of alcohol since January 4. I'm now 215.5 and back to my weight before getting laid off and the holidays. If I can get to 210, that was the goal.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Good job Jesse! It's only 5.5 more pounds, you got this.

Maybe I should step on the scale and see how I'm doing...kinda been eating a lot since the holidays...
After the initial shock of getting laid off was gone, the need to eat set in. I abandoned all my good habits and reverted to the gluttonous me that I hate to be. I was 224.5 this morning after 6 weeks of indulgence. Today is Day 1 of the Advocare 24-Day Challenge and Day 1 of me getting back to what works. When I'm on my A game with diet and exercise, I feel great. I'm a world beater when I've optimized my diet. I can't wait to get back to that. My primary goal for 2016 is to get down to 205 and stay there. I believe that's my optimal weight and one I'd be happy with maintaining.

Hey man that 24 day challenge really helped me get on track. I still drink spark everyday when I get up.
That's what got me on track as well. Liked it enough and believed in it enough to become a distributor.

Spark is the shiznit!!!

Yea man. The slams are good to keep I'm your hunting pack to for a quick pick up. I love the fruit punch spark. That was my Kool aid replacement. Last year I went from 217 to 174. Working on getting some visible abs this year. I was over weigh my entire childhood and was up to 258 after highschool. Crap changed this past summer. I said enough was enough and I took back control of my life. Even run my first 5k this past December in 28.06 and took second place in my age group. Anybody can do it all you need to do is train your mind....your body will follow.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yea man. The slams are good to keep I'm your hunting pack to for a quick pick up. I love the fruit punch spark. That was my Kool aid replacement. Last year I went from 217 to 174. Working on getting some visible abs this year. I was over weigh my entire childhood and was up to 258 after highschool. Crap changed this past summer. I said enough was enough and I took back control of my life. Even run my first 5k this past December in 28.06 and took second place in my age group. Anybody can do it all you need to do is train your mind....your body will follow.

Wow! Good for you man!! That's awesome.