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Gordo's 2015 Season Log


Senior Member
Athens County
B getting outta bed here in a couple hours. Pumped up. Cant get any rest. Ha.

Set my dad up tonight and he had the land owners dogs cone through twice. He still had a young 8 pop out and put on a show for the last 30 minutes of light.

Tomorrow will be his first morning hunt of the year. For the last two years those first morning hunts at this spot where his last buck hunts if the year.

Hopes are high. I got a really good feeling.

After i dropped him tonight i snuck on to the oppositte side of the property and hung a great set(thank you jesse for hooking me up with the lone wolf stick; what a beautiful design. Eliminated the need for 2 muddy sticks. Need another. Ha).

This set i hung is in a great pinch point. Great cover. Great access. About a 10 yard chip shot.

Not sure if i'll drop the hammer on a doe or not if the opportunity arrives. Things are amping up, and i want to keep the bitches feeling safe on this property.

Now to try and get a little sleep!

Good luck to anyone else heading out


Senior Member
Athens County
Here's the delayed follow up of our morning hunt on sunday.

Old man saw 15 different deer, and some how displayed some control and didnt kill one of them. He saw a nice one about 75 yards away, but that deer new something was up.

Truth be told, i fugged up this tine around in setting him up. He hunted that stand 2 times in the evening before being able to put in a morning sit. Previous years i never did that, and the first hunt out of that stand was in the morning, and was successful.
Those two evening sits burned that stand out for any mature deer.

Funny part is, while he was covered in deer all morning, i was set up in a pinch about 150 yards from him, but down in a holler. I didnt see one deer. I wasnt expecting too much. I set up outside the sweet spot to not screw his hunt up. Still gives perspective on how you can be in the wrong spot by such a short distance.

He headed home yesterday and wont be coming back till beginning of december. He had great hunts, and really enjoyed meeting everyone.

I'm going to hit the woods this afternoon. Not sure of property yet


Senior Member
Athens County
It's just cool you guys got to hunt together!

Couldnt put it any better. Thats what its all about.

I will say i about shit myself sunday morning when i got outta bed, rounded the corner in zombie mode and 'bam', there he is sitting at the kitchen table ready to roll. lol. Fuggin 4:30am. I was going to crawl back in bed for 20 minutes after i woke him up. lol. Next thing you know i dropped him off, went and parked, and was up in my stand counting the stars for a couple hours.

It was pretty damn cool. Flash back to the past. Im not one to trek in that early these days due to bumping deer and the track record. Usually wait for a little bit of light. Back in the day though, thats how my old man always rolled with me.


Senior Member
Athens County
Going to hit it in the morning. It'll be the first time on this property this year.

Another great pinch point. The tops of 3 different drainages about 6-10 feet deep on the low side and an open faced rock wall on the high side. Along with the natural terrain putting the pinch on, there is an old ass mangled fence line that some ass hole snipped an opening in a couple years back. Ha. Its a run way.

An old, mature doe may flip my kill switch. Its been a minute since I deflated one. Couple that with packing the recurve, and it could be an equation that ends in bloody hands.

We'll see what the morning brings. Have seen some real beauties at this place.

Plan is to enter under the cover of darkness vis the creek/slip up one of those drainages/get my ass up a tree on the high side. 10 feet up a tree on the high side is plenty of height.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Really enjoyed catching up on your journal man! It was nice to meet your dad Gordo! Pretty cool you two are hunting together and have such a cool relationship. Hope he can get on a good one during deer gun with ya! Keep on keepin bro!


Senior Member
Athens County
Just got outta stand.

1 young buck seen in first 40 minutes, followed by 3 does.

10:15 a.m. Saw what looked to be a small doe acting like she was getting pushed by something. Tail was crooked and i figured her to be open for business. . Strange i never saw a buck in tow. Who knows. Could have been a button buck taking a shit on the move. Ha.

Saw the first scrapes of the year on this property at there usual spots. Fresh as can be.

Be back at it late afternoon. Going to hunt every moment possible for the next couple weeks, or until something good happens.