Here's the delayed follow up of our morning hunt on sunday.
Old man saw 15 different deer, and some how displayed some control and didnt kill one of them. He saw a nice one about 75 yards away, but that deer new something was up.
Truth be told, i fugged up this tine around in setting him up. He hunted that stand 2 times in the evening before being able to put in a morning sit. Previous years i never did that, and the first hunt out of that stand was in the morning, and was successful.
Those two evening sits burned that stand out for any mature deer.
Funny part is, while he was covered in deer all morning, i was set up in a pinch about 150 yards from him, but down in a holler. I didnt see one deer. I wasnt expecting too much. I set up outside the sweet spot to not screw his hunt up. Still gives perspective on how you can be in the wrong spot by such a short distance.
He headed home yesterday and wont be coming back till beginning of december. He had great hunts, and really enjoyed meeting everyone.
I'm going to hit the woods this afternoon. Not sure of property yet