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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like you have discussed it well beforehand. That is a good starting point. Hang in there Jon. You have my number should you ever want to talk.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Week one of High School Graduation Ceremonies done. It has been bitter sweet. Last week was senior awards we gave out 3 scholarships in Connor's memory. It was tough for the wife and I choosing 3. This was Connor's class and so we would have given everyone something if we could have. This week we have actual graduation. Going to be tough. The superintendent and principal have informed us they want to present us with an honorary diploma for Connor. As much as we appreciate everything they do for us we kind of wanted to decline. We decided with all things considered we would go ahead and do it. Honestly though not sure if we made the right decision. Our biggest concern is how we will handle it as well as not wanting such a joyous time for all these kids to be impacted by a sad moment. I guess we will see how it goes.
Sorry for the rant.

Tough decision for sure Jon. I don't presume to understand the dept of your loss but often thought peoples good intentions are sometimes more painful than helpful. I've subscribed to the philosophy of showing my support for activities the family has chosen like Connors scholarship fund or kickball tournament. I think people mean well but somehow don't understand it's not about making them feel good for doing something, but rather how you guys feel.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Tough decision for sure Jon. I don't presume to understand the dept of your loss but often thought peoples good intentions are sometimes be more painful than helpful. I've subscribed to the philosophy of showing my support for activities the family has chosen like Connors scholarship fund or kickball tournament. I think people mean well but somehow don't understand it's not about making them feel good for doing something, but rather how you guys feel.
You are on point. This has been a struggle for us for a while. We totally understand people's great intentions and it is great TOO have the communities support. We usually leave it up to the kids. If they want it then we are good with it.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
So I came home to a broken window that no one knew how it happened. No shards of glass to be found either...and no one knew what happened. Stupid ass kids...I got the truth out after some convincing that I wasn't an idiot.

My nephew (15) got pissed over some game on his phone and he threw it. It bounced and smacked the window.

Of coarse I kinda lost my shit and raised my voice to him for lying to me and breaking the fucking window. Somehow, now I'm in trouble!!! This is bullshit. Wife says accidents happen...throwing a phone like a damn baby isn't an accident! That's a spoiled ass teenager and I won't stand for that shit in my house. I'm so pissed off im sleeping in the camper tonight!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry Dave. Hearing your side, I agree. Sometimes a kid need to learn a lesson. If not, these behaviors only get worse.


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Yikes, I think you handled it pretty well from what I hear. I would have got more than a scolding I think 😂

Hope you get it taken care of okay


Not sure what the kids situation is but if he were my kid I would either pay for the window and he would work for me or have him come to your house and work until the debt is repayed. Whichever you would prefer. Isn't that how things used to work?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Not sure what the kids situation is but if he were my kid I would either pay for the window and he would work for me or have him come to your house and work until the debt is repayed. Whichever you would prefer. Isn't that how things used to work?
Yep! I will never forget one time I shot my grandfather's plastic yard rake with my BB gun a couple times. I had to go over there the next Saturday and work it off. Working four hours in the Mississippi heat to pay off a 15 dollar rake at 4.25 minimum wage taught me to respect other people's shit quick.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Not sure what the kids situation is but if he were my kid I would either pay for the window and he would work for me or have him come to your house and work until the debt is repayed. Whichever you would prefer. Isn't that how things used to work?

Its should still work that way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure what the kids situation is but if he were my kid I would either pay for the window and he would work for me or have him come to your house and work until the debt is repayed. Whichever you would prefer. Isn't that how things used to work?

And in some cases they STILL DO work that way! Several years ago my son's soccer ball went thru the basement window. He worked it off. Now keep in mind he didn't absorb the full cost. Upfront I gave him a number. He agreed to working it off. He helped me replace the window and was 100% willing to take his medicine. Life lessons must be learned by kids.


One of my favorite punishment memories was my dad made me rip out a bush and the only tool I was given was an old axe that hadn't been sharpened in 15 years. Eventually he took pity and came out to help but I hacked at that thing for awhile.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It isn't going unnoticed... He has a list and has to call his dad and explain what happened. We will go from that conversation to see what happens next. (The kid is from AK and spending some time with us to learn some things...things like this) I'm not dwelling on the money, a lot more can be learned here then a couple dollars.

Why the hell are you playing a game that pisses you off that much?

Let's add the money for fun though...
iPhone 7-$850

Now what if that phone had bounced and hit another kid in the eye? Those aren't replaceable...

That game he was playing has been deleted from his phone. His phone isn't to leave the basement (his area). He has a list of things that he's going to get daily. Start time is when I leave for work and ends when I'm done for the day (I'll help him/lead by example).

We will have a real talk this evening about being a man and stepping up when you fuck up. Men don't hide, we man the fuck up and except what we've done and overcome it. That's what makes us a man and not a coward.

I'm also making sure my kids know what's going on here. In hopes that they learn from it as well.
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