4:00 p.m. Saturday - August 21, 2021 - 'REVUP YOUR ENGINES':
I got up a tad bit later than what I hoped for this morning. I don't use an alarm clock, I usually get up just before the crack of dawn everyday, but this morning I woke up right at day break. Of course, I planned to be on the road at dark, but getting up a tad late didn't really matter because we had a good fair amount of fog. After I filled my coffee thermos full with hot fresh coffee, I immediately hit the road headed to a different property to do some early morning scouting, and then hang TCs at locations based on what I observed and discovered.
I arrived at the property just before the fog started to lift, which was perfect. I jumped into my mucks, grabbed my binos, then hiked to the middle of the bean field in between rows. Once I felt I could cover the entire area with the binos, I sat down and watched the field edges for about an hour in a half.
I spotted the first group of three deer about 10 minutes right after I sat down, approximately 300 yards away. Shortly after, I spotted a few more that were slowly making their way towards the first group from the other end of the field, where they popped out of the woods and then slow walked right along the field/wood edge towards the other deer.
All of them were antlerless deer, and they stuck around for about 20-30 maybe, IDK cause I forgot my cellphone in the truck. I sat for another half an hour or so before I headed back to my pickup.
Once at the truck, I poured me some hot coffee, put on an pair of latex gloves and prepared the trail cameras, putting brand new batteries in them, set the date and time, installed an SD card, turn them on and tested. Then I grabbed two LW climbing sticks, a 50# bag of whole corn, one TC hanger and took off to the location where I saw the first set of deer that made their presence known.
I found a good spot for the TC, not far from a main deer run from what I could tell, hung it in a tree pointed to where I saw the deer hang out, right after I laid out 50# bag of whole corn down along the edge of the field and in between two rows of beans, spreading it real thin.
Then I turned back around and headed to the truck.
Once back of the pickup, I pealed off my first pair of latex gloves, grabbed another cup of hot coffee and took a break.
After I finished that cup, I put on another new pair of latex gloves on, grabbed another TC and another 50# bag of whole corn, grabbed a TC hanger, and once again, I took off to the other location where I saw the second group of deer.
Once I reached that approximate area, I hiked into the woods about 30 yards or a bit further and found one hellava heavy producer of an Oak tree, plus I found at least four different deer beds nearby along with plenty of deer signs in the immediate area.
So, I placed the other TC up into another tree that covers the area where I could tell the deer were coming from in search of acorns, which is approximately 20-30 yards from those beds I found.
I spread out the other 50# bag of whole corn in the same area where the acorns where dropping in the area, right where I could tell deer were scrapping the ground trying to get to them, just off the deer run that leads to the bean field.
Each TC is in the top middle portion of photographs. The bottom photo has the heavy producer Oak tree where my climbing sticks are resting up against.
Then I headed back to the truck for the final time. Along the way, I discovered tons of fresh deer tracks, small and big. Once I arrived to the back of the pickup, I swapped boots, grabbed my coffer thermos, jumped into the cab and took off for home.
Along the way, I had this cute couple cruise right on by me.
Got home just before 11:00 a.m. and made me a nice big breakfast.
After that, I swapped SD cards at the feed station.
Video description:
Just some of the daylight bucks still in velvet. This is a photograph slideshow of trail camera captures from 8/19 thru 8/21/21, all in consecutive order by timestamp. One of the larger 8 points is showing signs of velvet loss thus far. There has been an explosion of wildlife the past few days. The following video that I will soon post will show just how much deer activity and other wildlife have been making their presence known at the feed station over the past two in half days.
I won't be visiting that property for at least two weeks or better, so, those TCs are pretty much soaker cameras.
I had a wonderful first half of the day folks!
The dear Lord blessed me once again!