Well my hunting season has hit an all time low. No deer, no ducks and on vacation.
came home yesterday evening, wanting to duck hunt this morning but opted out. Pearl woke me up at 4:30 by jumping in the bed standing over me whining…no shit. Woke up around 7, farted around and called Barry to see if he wanted to go scout and fish. Met him at the house and we pulled his Skeeter bass boat to the launch. Unhooked and he said we not going anywhere. Said there is no plug and the threads were gone also. Off the the boat ship to buy a new setup and installed it. Got back to the launch and put in. Tide wasn’t moving so we drove around the river looking for birds. Not many seen except for a few teal. We started fishing some drains up to ponds and picked up two reds and around 15 bass. We gonna try to kill some ducks in the morning.
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