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Pew pew 2022


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Well shit. I messed up. my kid wants nothing to do with gun hunting deer. He got knocked on his ass sitting like a catcher shooting a .44mag high end reloads the day before youth. I wasnt watching close enough as he wasnt holding the gun tight. Its been like pulling teeth to get him out. A neighbor called and said a big buck ran into our place just before we were going to head out tonight. he said he didnt want to go anymore and wanted to watch football. I get it i was gun shy at his age as well. A year will make a big difference. So the .22 and bushey tails will have to work for now. Looked beautiful out there tonight.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
1 small yearling was around us for the last hour. Nothing else showed up.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
22 miles worth of walking this week. 10 deer added too the DNR #’s. I’m ready too head back too warmer weather and a few cold ones 🍺👍🏼
All in all a pretty good gun week for us. Most everyone had some trigger time, even if they didn’t get anything out of it. Lots of good times, good conversations and got too hang out with friends. Win, win!
Won’t be up for bonus weekend but will be for muzzle loader season!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I am pretty certain that this is the first gun week that I haven't fired a shot since 1993...View attachment 167843
Maybe it was needed as a good grounding and reminder. Because this was also the first one without my old man. Enjoy those memories gents. I did realize why we always hunted different ridges and areas. It had nothing to do with doubling our odds...had everything to do with being a kid that can't sit the F still! Lol. Bonus gun we might be trying to double our odds🤣


Senior Member
Supporting Member
22 miles worth of walking this week. 10 deer added too the DNR #’s. I’m ready too head back too warmer weather and a few cold ones 🍺👍🏼
All in all a pretty good gun week for us. Most everyone had some trigger time, even if they didn’t get anything out of it. Lots of good times, good conversations and got too hang out with friends. Win, win!
Won’t be up for bonus weekend but will be for muzzle loader season!
J.... Have a safe trip home....