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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Git Off My Lawn
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North Carolina
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Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
Tomorrow will be 4wks off since my last cardio. I wanted to give a true test run of my eating/drinking wirh minimal weight lifting mixed in to see if I could atleast maintain w/o cardio. To my surprise, I dropped weight over the last month. There was a bachelor party, wedding, camping all mixed in....it can be done.



Now to knock out that 99:56min workout for Sept.....stupid personal challenge🤬


Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
25lbs in 6 months is impressive, considering the circumstance. Hard work pays off. Good job, Mike. I have lost about 10 lbs and have trimmed down a bit since back surgery in March, although I have not really been working at it, or eating different.
I never realized what I was carrying until I started loosing it. I thought I was in good shape.
I went from 275 down to my target weight of 220 in about a year by watching my carb intake, portion control, and a few egg fasts. You can lose 15 lbs QUICK (like a week or so) with an egg fast. Rules are easy. You can eat everything you want, as long as it's eggs, and for every egg you have to eat 1 tablespoon of butter. I know, I know, it sounds delicious 😋,...But seriously, I lost 15 lbs each time I did a 7 day egg fast and kept it off.