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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


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So I made it to Hour 60 and had to bail on the fast. I had a splitting headache and needed ibuprofen, which I can't take without food or I'll 🤮

So I ate, enjoyed my weekend and got ready to make this commitment. This was dinner after a 22 hour fast. My plan is to eat one meal a day most days of the week. With my job, I have a lot of breakfast and lunch meetings, so I'll eat twice on those days. Otherwise, once a day should be enough. With the success I had on keto, I expect this to work well for me physically, it's more a matter of mentally. Time will tell!



Junior Member
Greene county
My breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same everyday. Some intermittent fasting, 12-16 hours.
Breakfast is 4-6 eggs with cheese and grass fed butter and five sausage links or pieces of bacon. Heavy cream, half and half or coconut oil in my coffee. I just added 1/2 cup of blueberries to the mix this week.
Lunch is 2 cans of sardines in water with an avocado and a protein shake if I worked out before lunch.
Snacks are pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts or pecans or a protein shake.
Dinner is meat (salmon, shrimp, mahi mahi, meatballs, chicken, venison or sausage) and a green veg like broccoli or a salad, mashed cauliflower, sauerkraut. I cook with butter, olive oil or avacado oil. No seed oils. Absolutely no grains or sugar (except the blueberries). No alcohol.
I drink carbonated water, water, electrolyte mix, mushroom coffee and green tea on occasion.
I'm making positive gains in the gym and all of my visceral fat is gone. Inflation is almost non existent. I still struggle with sleep but overall I feel really good. I hope this lifestyle brings improvements to my prostate health. So far it's done nothing.
Does the mushroom coffee taste just like coffee? Was reading on it and some of the comments say it’s helped with acid levels and coffee has been giving me terrible reflux
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Dignitary Member
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Does the mushroom coffee taste just like coffee? Was reading on it and some of the comments say it’s helped with acid levels and coffee has been giving me terrible reflux
Not at all. I drink this brand. It's low acid. They have regular caffinated as well.

Organic Swiss Decaf Mushroom Coffee by NeuRoast - Low Acid - Five Superfood Mushrooms Including Lion's Mane & Cordyceps - Nootropic Blend for Cognitive Support https://a.co/d/eFl0fsZ


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@Redneckfucker - This is what I drink and I agree with Mike. It does seem to have a lower acidity and I'll admit to being skeptical about the taste, but I like it. No complaints from me whatsoever. I have it on subscription to complement my BRCC AK-47.

Four Sigmatic | Dark Roast, Fair Trade Gourmet Coffee with Lion's Mane, Chaga & Mushroom Powder

I use this as my creamer - Quest MCT Oil Powder
Are you brewing it just like your BRCC?

I'm not a huge creamer person unless it's bailey's or bourbon creamer on special occasions/ holidays. But i need my touch of sweetness and generally use Splenda.


Staff member
I think I'm 3.5 weeks or something like that. Not counting because it is about today, not yesterday or tomorrow, today. So forget about it and make it about today. 👍🏾
I feel like I drank 17, not 7 this morning. That 5:45 wakeup sucked. And my hips hurt for the first time in over a week, which is a clear sign of the return of the alcohol-induced inflammation. They say if something's on your mind long enough, you need to do it and I've been seriously considering giving up booze. Add another data point why that's a good idea 🥴


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I feel like I drank 17, not 7 this morning. That 5:45 wakeup sucked. And my hips hurt for the first time in over a week, which is a clear sign of the return of the alcohol-induced inflammation. They say if something's on your mind long enough, you need to do it and I've been seriously considering giving up booze. Add another data point why that's a good idea 🥴
I am considering the same. Just need to find a way to slow my thoughts down.
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Big H

Senior Member
I feel like I drank 17, not 7 this morning. That 5:45 wakeup sucked. And my hips hurt for the first time in over a week, which is a clear sign of the return of the alcohol-induced inflammation. They say if something's on your mind long enough, you need to do it and I've been seriously considering giving up booze. Add another data point why that's a good idea 🥴
When I have a couple beers, I opt for the low carb 2.6 carbs, Yuengling Flight, Mich Ultra or Corona Premier (I think). It doesn't affect me much. Kristi however, deals with inflammation in her joints the next morning, especially her hands/fingers. We went out for her mom's 87th last night with family and had a couple beers, I think you have to just figure it out for yourself, and see how you are affected by various things. I do know that I will NOT be ordering any more F'n bourbon at restaurants after getting the bill for 1 pour last night.
This information was a revelation to me. Here it all is in a short You Tube Video:

I'm almost never hungry. I now know the difference between a fat person's psychological hunger and a thin person's true hunger, which i seldom experience either now. I can fast 60 hours and not get weak or sick or starving!

If God made it I ate it. If man processed it I pass on it!

Walking an hour or more a day, most days, is probably the best exercise for health! Being in ketosis is doable even while eating some fruits and vegetables.

If I can do it ANYONE CAN!


Staff member
Had my 6-week follow up appointment this morning due to the high BP issue. Down 10#s and BP is 120/80. Amazing what a simple lifestyle change can do!

The carnivore experiment has been very interesting. I like it for the fact that I like meat and do well eating keto/paleo. That said, it's not for me for the long run. I like vegetables and adding them back in makes it much easier for me to eat when I'm on the go. I had to skip lunch at 2 events last week because I couldn't eat anything they were serving. If I were eating salads, no problemo. January is World Carnivore Month and I'm going to give it my best, but fully intend on reverting to a ketogenic diet after that. I have no doubt carnivore works, but it's not for me. It's more of a mental thing than a physiological thing and I have enough mental gymnastics to do on a daily basis to add this to the mix.

So I'm down from 230 at Thanksgiving, to 218 shooting for that 2-hundo mark.
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Junior Member
About 4 years ago I was able to get down to low 190’s by diet and exercise which I felt great. Of course I fell off that bandwagon and now back up to 220. I’ve been working hard on portion control, diet, and exercise over the last three weeks and making slow gains. I’ve enjoyed this tread and will keep my progress posted. Stay strong boys around the Holiday Season and resist temptation…
The house is covered in Christmas Goodies and they are rat poison to me. I eat 2 squares of 85% to 90% cocoa every day for the health benefit only. Sometimes I hit it with a little peanut butter. There is very little sugar in any of it. No, it's not my cheat thing. If I cheat I only cheat my self. I'm not on a diet it is my preferred lifestyle! Before COVID my taste was much different then now. For example, I eat an apple most days. Prefer Salmon to beef, eat chicken and turkey sausages with no nitrates. Roasted Brussels sprouts and home made Sauerkraut are regular items for me. Cabbage, Broccoli, Asparagus, Cauliflower, Salads and smoothies made from my home grown berries along with greens and a whole Lemon are a regular breakfast item or free range chicken eggs. No bread rice or sugars.

I now eat to live where before I lived to eat...

Fasting glucose was 100 but now its 86. Kidney function(?) 96 out of 100.

The food I eat today would have made me vomit 3 years ago...