So I made it to Hour 60 and had to bail on the fast. I had a splitting headache and needed ibuprofen, which I can't take without food or I'll 
So I ate, enjoyed my weekend and got ready to make this commitment. This was dinner after a 22 hour fast. My plan is to eat one meal a day most days of the week. With my job, I have a lot of breakfast and lunch meetings, so I'll eat twice on those days. Otherwise, once a day should be enough. With the success I had on keto, I expect this to work well for me physically, it's more a matter of mentally. Time will tell!

So I ate, enjoyed my weekend and got ready to make this commitment. This was dinner after a 22 hour fast. My plan is to eat one meal a day most days of the week. With my job, I have a lot of breakfast and lunch meetings, so I'll eat twice on those days. Otherwise, once a day should be enough. With the success I had on keto, I expect this to work well for me physically, it's more a matter of mentally. Time will tell!