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  1. CritterGitterToo

    License increase

    Now who didn't see this coming. Isn't this Dewine idea??? What an idiot. He hasn't been in office 4 months, and he has already decided to raise taxes/rates (all the same thing) on something he can't even get the funds for. Derrrrrr, smooth move Roscoe! I do hate a RINO, I hate them...
  2. CritterGitterToo

    LIVE from the stand 2018-19

    Stupid wind!!!!
  3. CritterGitterToo

    Favorite Camo???

    My favorite is Realteee Hardwoods which they don’t make anymore. I’ve got some Predator and other stuff.
  4. CritterGitterToo

    Ohio Deer Hunting Survey.....

    You can put in fake address and phone number ex: 614-111-1111. If they’re selling the information then the buyer won’t get anything useful out of what I gave them. If I win something, they can email me.
  5. CritterGitterToo

    Ohio Deer Hunting Survey.....

    Joe, this is not DOW survey. It is 3rd party agency (maybe Whitetail Unlimited or something like that) that will present to ODOW.
  6. CritterGitterToo

    Ohio Deer Hunting Survey.....

    There are prizes too!! http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07eez6d873jbp5olge/a021wnjcwa5wfo/greeting
  7. CritterGitterToo

    Charles Alsheimer

    Very well said!
  8. CritterGitterToo

    2017 Rut Report. County, Conditions.

    I usually target the week that is just before or includes Halloween. This year that included the full moon. Next year I'm going to focus on the new moon. I think that might have contributed to my lack of Day time activity.
  9. CritterGitterToo

    2017 Rut Report. County, Conditions.

    I just finished my bowcation. Hunted hard for 5 days. I wasn't seeing much in areas that I knew had deer. Yesterday it was windy, so I got down at 10:45am and decided to do a mid-day still-hunt/scout. I'd been in this area before, but never went in deep. So, I did yesterday and covered...
  10. CritterGitterToo


    Another trick you can do with a buck decoy is to leave 1 antler off. The buck will approach head on at the angle of the missing antler figuring to have a distinct advantage. It's one more way to get that buck positioned where you want him. Also, I usually have the decoy more like 40 yards...
  11. CritterGitterToo

    The broken call buck

    That sure is a dandy buck Brock. It sounds like you had fun. That's what it's all about. Oh yeah, I'll give you $20 for that busted up deer call. ;)
  12. CritterGitterToo

    Trail Cams: How long before you check it?

    First trail cam I ever put out I hung it about 4 feet, and when I came back it was gone. Every cam since has been hung 9-10 feet and I haven't had one stolen since. Every cam I've ever put out has been on public land. In fact I've gotten pictures of guys walking past it seemingly...
  13. CritterGitterToo

    Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

    My uncle works with a guy that will work tirelessly to fill every tag, even when he admitted he was seeing many. He was hell bent to "get his limit." Also, I worked on a walleye charter for years. Didn't matter if the limit was 4, 6 or 10 guys wanted to get their limit. When the population...
  14. CritterGitterToo

    CGII Trail cam vids/pics 2017

    I'll take it back out tomorrow with one more bag of corn. I'll then retrieve it when I go in to hang a stand.
  15. CritterGitterToo

    New bows

    I'm still shooting my 2007 Bowtech Tribute. It's a hell of a bow. I just don't see any need to change. I need to slap a new string on it, and that's about it.
  16. CritterGitterToo

    Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

    First, thank you for sharing this information. I know you've been given some grief for failing to appease the audience. You made it available. It should be on them if they want to access it or not. Again, thank you. Second, I went through this information. It feels a LOT like paralysis...
  17. CritterGitterToo

    CGII Trail cam vids/pics 2017

    Nope. I even put the card back in the cam, took pics of me and checked it again. Only the new pics of me on it. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it.
  18. CritterGitterToo

    CGII Trail cam vids/pics 2017

    Pulled my cam today hoping to get a good look at how Southpaw has developed the last few weeks, and my stupid laptop zapped all the pictures. It had 755 and they're all gone. I hate computers!!!! Might be time to get a viewer or card reader for my iPhone...
  19. CritterGitterToo

    Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

    When I think about the tradition of hunting, I don't see myself as part of it. I think about farmers hunting their land, taking their boys out and showing them the ropes. You know, passing on the heritage to the next generation. I didn't have any family members that hunted, farmed or had...
  20. CritterGitterToo

    Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

    DOW should implement new policy of "free and unlimited antlerless deer tags for public land only." That would accomplish their agenda a lot quicker. Hey Rex, pass that along to your buddy Tonk. The boys at the bureau would throw a party in his honor!!!