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  1. nis1

    Live from the stand!

    I'm feeling the same way...idk if it's over and I missed it or what. I've seen little bucks cruisin a lot but haven't see a doe in 3 damn days. I'm going to a doe heavy property in the morning to see if I can get a read on where the ruts at.
  2. nis1

    Bowhunting Summit/Stark/Wayne counties...Public Land Areas and/or Farm Access

    It's slim pickins in our area man. I'm in summit county and there are not a lot of public hunting areas close to us. The closest ones are probably 40 minutes away. They have a map you can look at on the odnr website that shows where every piece of public land is. Like it said. It's very limited.
  3. nis1

    Team 7 - The Deflators

    I saw three little bucks this morning. At first light my girlfriend texted me and said there was a monster behind her blind. She sent me a picture of a 160 class 10 point she pulled off the internet and said it was like that but with thicker tines...so needless to say that's the guy I would...
  4. nis1

    Live from the stand!

    I was hunting where I work, it's like an outdoors camp. Boy Scouts and other groups are there on the weekends and the conditions for me to hunt there are that I can't hunt it when groups are in....which means this afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday are off limits.
  5. nis1

    Live from the stand!

    Hunting a 300 acre property in summit county, practically in the city. First morning sit ever on this property and I have seen 14 does and 3 small bucks. One of the bucks was nudging does all over. I expected to see deer but not 17 of them. Climbing down now, doing some work at the house and...
  6. nis1

    Team 7 - The Deflators

    Was out all weekend, lots of deer Sunday morning but no chasing from what I've seen in my area. One of the guys that lives on the property that I work at and got permission to hunt is calling or texting me almost daily saying he is seeing bucks. Saw 4 does there when I got to work this morning...
  7. nis1

    NE ohio public land

    Thanks for the input guys. We seriously looked into Berlin but with all the drainage and rivers it looks a little hard to access. I think we have decided on west branch, if anyone ha been there, any input would be great, thanks!
  8. nis1

    Sitting all day

    I've never done an "all day sit" but year after year it seems like I the main property I hunt lacks early morning activity but has good afternoon activity. I usually go in about 9 am and sit until dark. It allows me to sleep in a little and still get to see some good action.
  9. nis1

    NE ohio public land

    I actually fished there years ago and have checked out the map several times, we may just have to check that out. Thanks!
  10. nis1

    NE ohio public land

    Hey guys, I generally hunt private land but am looking for any recommendations for public land around NE Ohio. I have a buddy that got a not and has been shooting and wants to get in the woods, my problem is that I can't take anyone on the properties I hunt so that leaves is with public. We are...
  11. nis1


    My girlfriend got me the whole conquest package for my bday, I've been using ever calm with good success on not being winded. Last night I decided to smear some of the vs1 stick on my boots before I walked in and then I put some more on a log out in front of me. Had a doe pop in sniffing...
  12. nis1

    F&S Whitetail Heat Map

    Also I checked it on Sunday and Ohio was green and now it's all the sudden saying it's red and prime rut. I think that's just because it's a cool day and makes bucks get a little feisty.
  13. nis1

    F&S Whitetail Heat Map

    There's also an app for the field and stream map. I don't trust it completely but it's fun to look at.
  14. nis1

    Estrus (Scent Attractant)

    Rut is not in. Like some of the others said, young bucks always start pushing does early. My vacation is the 7th-16th and I'm thinking those are gonna be prime days. I've been using evercalm from conquest scents and haven't been busted yet with lots of deer downwind. I also have vs1 and...
  15. nis1

    Simco wildlife area

    Anyone ever hunted or scouted it? I have several pieces of private land I hunt but can't bring people to. Looking for somewhere for me and a couple buddies to hunt on Halloween. Any recommendations of good public land in that area are also welcome too! Thanks!
  16. nis1

    Team 7 - The Deflators

    I was out Wednesday at the property I was so excited about. Got there at 3:40, got all my gear and took 3 steps into the woods and a whole herd of deer took off. They were eating acorns and there were at least 10 does all together. It took me forever to find a tree to put my climber in, the...
  17. nis1

    Team 7 - The Deflators

    Team, I'm unbelievably excited. I work at a camp in NE Ohio for most of the year. This place is 300 acres that's pretty much in a city, probly 200 acres of it is wooded. It is likely one of the largest single chunks of land within 5 miles. I shed hunted it this past year and saw well over 50...
  18. nis1

    What kind of tree stand do you guys use?

    I've hunted out of my summit Goliath since I was probably 17...I still do when I need it but I'm trying to get more into lockons and sticks. I have two 15 ft ladder stands, two double ladder stands for the girlfriend and I, one lock on with sticks and a set of sticks that need a stand to go...
  19. nis1

    Lotsa scrapes

    Anyone else seeing this? I work at a camp in NE Ohio that is loaded with deer. Found a few scrapes opened up today when I was taking a group of kids on a nature hike. One of my coworkers also said she saw a big buck this morning at about 9.
  20. nis1

    Team 7 - The Deflators

    Anyone been out? Was out this weekend in guernsey county with the girlfriend a couple times trying to get her first deer. Had a nice big lone doe come in on Sunday night about 15 yards away. Picked us out cause yours truly may have been moving around a little. Tried to wind us but never did...