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Live from the stand!

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Staff member
I'm going back to the house. Raining sideways where I wanted to hunt today. I'll hang out with the girls, hang a stand at noon and then decide what my afternoon holds. Figure I'm eating a tag AGAIN, so no sense in being miserable in a tree.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had a spike a little while ago come down off the hill from my mind mineral location.

Small 8 offered me a chip shot.



I'm going back to the house. Raining sideways where I wanted to hunt today. I'll hang out with the girls, hang a stand at noon and then decide what my afternoon holds. Figure I'm eating a tag AGAIN, so no sense in being miserable in a tree.

I'm right their with you, wind shifted for the worst and was at a 20mph wind, haven't picked up a single shooter buck for about a week and no daylight pics of a deer for this whole week, a little confusing how I go from all kinds of action to none but I think I'm relying on the camera too much and not my eyes. So I said screw it, it's suppost to calm down tonight for me where I'm at so I will be back out at 11 because I have had a group of Tom's and Jake's coming through every day for the past week at noon so I'm going to try and wack one this afternoon with the bow.
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Well, didn't make it out this am. Pregnant wives have magical powers keeping their husbands in warm beds. I'm really bad about getting up early this year. Either way, I'll be back in a tree this afternoon and then Sunday marks 6 days straight of all day sits.


Staff member
I got to the house and it was clear. Fuggin' threw it in reverse and hauled ass back. Had my head down trying to get in my blind ASAP and rounded a deadfall at the same time as a beautiful 125" 8 point. We were face to face at 10-15 feet. He looked at me like: "Who/What the fugg are you?" and went right back to his trailing job. Could have shot him a few different times while he bird dogged that trail 30 yards away. Its raining and windy as hell now. Going to sit until noon, go hang a stand and see what I feel like doing. Last duck hunt of the first spilt is Sunday, so I may hang with the girls tonight so I can hunt all day the next two days without any guilt. Amazing how a kid changes your perspective on what's right!


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Passed a 105 inch 8 point at 3 yards thought about getting down but I walked 25 minutes to get back to this spot and its the first time its been hunted this season prolly the last fugg that walk it sucks.


Dignitary Member
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Had the buck I call splits at 40 yds even if I still had a buck tag he would have been too far for my recurve.
Took some pics of him in the crp field but crappy cell pics.Have watched him the past hour standing over a doe.
Going to grab my uncle and get him in this stand for the rest of the day.He is a stud the one pics are from my trailcam.Would love to see my uncle get him..uploadfromtaptalk1415371507755.jpguploadfromtaptalk1415371526486.jpguploadfromtaptalk1415371546831.jpguploadfromtaptalk1415371622354.jpguploadfromtaptalk1415371650198.jpg


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
Hell of a buck, Brian! The only deer we saw were 2 unknowns in the alfalfa field when we pulled in. Got in the stand and heard 2 grunts at 6:00, too dark to see. Back to bed I go, gotta work at 4:banghead:


Junior Member
Hunting a 300 acre property in summit county, practically in the city. First morning sit ever on this property and I have seen 14 does and 3 small bucks. One of the bucks was nudging does all over. I expected to see deer but not 17 of them. Climbing down now, doing some work at the house and heading to a different property this afternoon.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Hunting a 300 acre property in summit county, practically in the city. First morning sit ever on this property and I have seen 14 does and 3 small bucks. One of the bucks was nudging does all over. I expected to see deer but not 17 of them. Climbing down now, doing some work at the house and heading to a different property this afternoon.

Why would you head to a different property after seeing 14 does? I'd be hunting their right at their bedroom door.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm done. Didn't see anything other than squirrels. I had to get back so the dogs could go out & poop this time. This season has been such a bust. Yet my cams are showing me deer activity galore at night. The wind died down & I thought for sure .... oh well.
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