What a hunt tonight! It was well worth being cold and wet!!!
I was ahead of schedule tonight, so I took my time walking back. As a result, I was able to glass a doe bedded up in some thick stuff long before I had to push her out so I could get to my stand. It was still raining when I finished hanging the Millennium, but it wasn't long before the rains stopped and things started to come alive. It wasn't long after the rain stopped when I heard what I thought was two bucks fighting. I caught movement and could see a 15-20' tall sappling/small tree absolutely being thrashed. The tree was 4-5" in diameter 8-10' off the ground, so I instantly knew it was being thrashed by something big. I threw up the glasses and laid eyes on what I thought was a solid deer from behind. And then he turned his head! It became clear that what I thought were G2's of a decent buck, were 2s and 3s from a stud!!! I'm guessing he was easily mid-150s. At best, I got a 2-3 second look at him and really have no clue what he had other than 10-12" 2s and 3s.
Since he was thrashing the tree, I threw a few grunts his way to try and get him worked up. I was able to get two deep, guttural grunts from him and watched the top of another tree he worked over. The thicket he was in is about 100'x100' and sits in a CRP field surrounded by a swamp and hardwoods. I knew he probably wouldn't leave that thicket, so I didn't call any more and slipped out with enough light to know I wasn't bumping him. If he is going to bed there with regularity, I will see this deer again and should get a shot opportunity if I spent enough time at that spot. It was apparent he was feeling his oats, but knew better than to be out strolling around just yet.
I will say that I was disappointed that I didn't see any other deer. I expected it to be a great night for deer movement. Really was pretty slow...