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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Ragin Cajun.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
While I'm on the topic. Lets talk cellular function, mRNA and DNA in shorthand.

The statement that the vaccine doesn't mess with your DNA is true and false. One of the functions of a cell is this highly complex process to create proteins and genetic material that formulates DNA and sustains life. The vaccines synthetic mRNA is an instruction booklet for your genetic engine to create a protein that it has no idea how to manufacture. Ribosomes make these three dimensional proteins that are the essential building blocks of life. Once it creates the proteins as instructed by the synthetic mRNA, your bodies protector the immune system recognizes it as a bad creation and attacks it. The protien that it's being instructed to make is the spike protien that Covid uses to dock on your cell and inject it's own mRNA. So while it does not "alter" your DNA, it absolutely hijacks the extremely complex process used to create the building blocks of life. By the way, this is the same way that cancer forms in your cells. Cancer is nothing more than bad genetic material created by cells. Every second of every day your body is destroying these bad creations. Unfortunately sometimes your immune system doesn't recognize them as bad, or they multiply faster than your body can control and you end up with cancer that is growing. This is why an extremely high white blood cell count is a warning sign that someone may have cancer. In essence the vaccination quite literally tricks your body into creating a cancerous protein that your body recognizes and attacks. The synthetic mRNA is not created by the body so the process cannot continue beyond it's availability to the ribosomes.

So while they can say the vaccination doesn't mess with or alter your "DNA" it absolutely temporarily hijacks the system that plays a critical role in the formulation of you DNA and your very building blocks of life. It's voodoo science, and the reason it spent decades as black magic and was never taken serious in any scientific communities. There is still far too much that is unknown about messing with mRNA and cellular functions. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Just like in war there is an acceptable casualty rate.

You're also both right and wrong.

There are different types of RNA and they all have different jobs within our cells. Short version of how we get proteins (if you want the longer version look up transcription and translation of DNA into protein). The DNA gets unzipped and then the DNA sequence for the protein gets transcripted into m(messenger)RNA. The mRNA can leave the nucleus and get out to a ribosome where proteins are made. Inside the ribosome the mRNA is translated by tRNA into a protein chain. The proteins then obtain their shapes based upon the chemistry of the different amino acids in the chain.

The vaccine gets into your cell and tells it to make a protein. This protein is for the spike protein of covid. Then your body makes its immune response to this "foreign" protein which then allows it to have an immune response when the actual covid comes in with this spike protein.

I would debate/argue that it doesn't hijack any system. The mRNA goes into the cell and the cell uses it just like any other mRNA strand that comes to exist inside a cell. mRNA has no input into the formulation of your own DNA.

Cancer has many different causes and this could get in depth easily AND its not established and verified science, they are still studying it or else we'd have cures. Inside your DNA there are oncogenes (ones that cause cancer) and anti-oncogenes (ones that stop cancer) and then there are other genes that have other effects that can increase or decrease your susceptibility to cancer. If an oncogene gets turned on and the other genes don't turn it off then you get cancer.

There have been other attempts prior to Covid for mRNA vaccines. However, they didn't work and had minimal effect. So one of my questions with the whole process has been what changed and how did they get it to work this time......or was the amount of money enough to finally overcome these issues? I dunno but its been one of my main skeptical points for the vaccine.

There are other RNA viruses. Examples include some of the hepatitis viruses, rabies, mumps, MERS, influenza, etc. They all work in similar fashion in that they only contain RNA so they need to "hijack" the cell to cause infection yet we aren't seeing any major health concerns after contracting these diseases in regards to messed up DNA. So why is everyone up in arms about this vaccine?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Please enlighten me on the adverse effects from getting the shot.

There are plenty of testimonials regarding adverse health impacts in otherwise healthy individuals after receiving the vaccination. Some of which I posted yesterday. Not just allergic reactions but serious and inexplicable neurological issues, stroke, cardiac issues, sudden deaths and the now well known blood clot issue. This isn't anecdotal but occurring with visible regularity in communities. The VAERS database is packed with reports of these and they're simply too similar to consider them all coincidental. We have a woman here in town who within days of receiving a vaccine has had some pretty serious neurological issues that are ongoing. Constant uncontrollable muscle spasms etc. The lack of an official smoking gun diagnosis doesn't prove it's not a result of the vaccine. I mean if I was in the CDC and FDA's shoes and knew there was an acceptable level of casualties and this just had to get done, what benefit would it be to panic the sheep. Best to just ignore and pretend like everything is ok to charge forward with the agenda. It's not the first time they've done such a thing. The public has been lied to and misled at every turn with this pandemic, much of it for political gain. Hell, they can't even agree on mask usage. The surgeon general of the United States took to Twitter early in the pandemic and lied to the American people that masks were useless and please stop buying them. Fauci lied about it and later admitted to lying about it because he believed it was in the best interest of public good that hospitals be allowed to suck up the available supply first. He completely denied funding gain of function research in Wuhan and now that he's been called out about it with proof he wants to argue the semantics of his very own definition of gain of function. The adverse reaction information is out there, there is a serious problem. like I said earlier, if this wasn't a global pandemic and this was say a batch of flu shots, they would have yanked them from the market immediately. But here we are, the greater good.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Best to just ignore and pretend like everything is ok to charge forward with the agenda. It's not the first time they've done such a thing. The public has been lied to and misled at every turn with this pandemic, much of it for political gain. Hell, they can't even agree on mask usage. The surgeon general of the United States took to Twitter early in the pandemic and lied to the American people that masks were useless and please stop buying them. Fauci lied about it and later admitted to lying about it because he believed it was in the best interest of public good that hospitals be allowed to suck up the available supply first. He completely denied funding gain of function research in Wuhan and now that he's been called out about it with proof he wants to argue the semantics of his very own definition of gain of function. The adverse reaction information is out there, there is a serious problem. like I said earlier, if this wasn't a global pandemic and this was say a batch of flu shots, they would have yanked them from the market immediately. But here we are, the greater good.

This this and more of this.....But you can't bring any of this up with most of the public b/c the mainstream media and social media don't allow it to show up without being called a crazy person or worse.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You're also both right and wrong.

There are different types of RNA and they all have different jobs within our cells. Short version of how we get proteins (if you want the longer version look up transcription and translation of DNA into protein). The DNA gets unzipped and then the DNA sequence for the protein gets transcripted into m(messenger)RNA. The mRNA can leave the nucleus and get out to a ribosome where proteins are made. Inside the ribosome the mRNA is translated by tRNA into a protein chain. The proteins then obtain their shapes based upon the chemistry of the different amino acids in the chain.

The vaccine gets into your cell and tells it to make a protein. This protein is for the spike protein of covid. Then your body makes its immune response to this "foreign" protein which then allows it to have an immune response when the actual covid comes in with this spike protein.

I would debate/argue that it doesn't hijack any system. The mRNA goes into the cell and the cell uses it just like any other mRNA strand that comes to exist inside a cell. mRNA has no input into the formulation of your own DNA.

Cancer has many different causes and this could get in depth easily AND its not established and verified science, they are still studying it or else we'd have cures. Inside your DNA there are oncogenes (ones that cause cancer) and anti-oncogenes (ones that stop cancer) and then there are other genes that have other effects that can increase or decrease your susceptibility to cancer. If an oncogene gets turned on and the other genes don't turn it off then you get cancer.

There have been other attempts prior to Covid for mRNA vaccines. However, they didn't work and had minimal effect. So one of my questions with the whole process has been what changed and how did they get it to work this time......or was the amount of money enough to finally overcome these issues? I dunno but its been one of my main skeptical points for the vaccine.

There are other RNA viruses. Examples include some of the hepatitis viruses, rabies, mumps, MERS, influenza, etc. They all work in similar fashion in that they only contain RNA so they need to "hijack" the cell to cause infection yet we aren't seeing any major health concerns after contracting these diseases in regards to messed up DNA. So why is everyone up in arms about this vaccine?

Thanks bud. I appreciate the info. I believe we're both saying the same thing except for my statement about how the synthetic mRNA "hijacks" the process used to create proteins. My use of the word hijack was in reference to synthetic mRNA being used to trick the ribosome into creating something it doesn't normally produce or have any idea how to produce naturally. They're hijacking the process to achieve a desired result. Perhaps "hack" would have been a better term. Like hackers they're introducing instruction to a machine in order to accomplish an output that is contrary to the normal use of the system.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
The is bud. I appreciate the info. I believe we're both saying the same thing with the exception of my statement about how the synthetic mRNA "hijacks" the process used to create proteins. My use of the word hijack was in reference to synthetic mRNA being used to trick the ribosome into creating something it doesn't normally produce or have any idea how to produce naturally. They're hijacking the process to achieve a desired result. Perhaps "hack" would have been a better term. Like hackers they're ntroducing instruction to a machine in order to accomplish an output that is contrary to the normal use of the system.
I can buy that the terminology is what brought me into the debate. Its also nice to debate without name calling, strawman arguments or ad hominens being tossed around and both of us remaining friends. Holy shit, is it still possible?


Junior Member
There is no test for the delta variant, correct?

And the Covid-19 test, “may” not show a positive delta case if this variant mutates enough, right?

How do they know that delta is 10x more contagious than covid?

Why tf are they bringing back mask mandates? (I know the answer to this, but not the other three).