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Brock/Mason 2020

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Spent most of the day running around trying to find a Leupold for the new Ruger I purchased this morning. Stopped by the Fayette piece on the way home to check the cams. I should have been hunting the last couple mornings. A couple nice bucks showed up.
Came home, mounted the scope and sighted in. I don’t know why I bought another rifle but it sure is a good shooting gun.
About 430 I decided I’d go hunt a spit close to home. Junior has gone through there about every day for a week and another stud went through twice yesterday morning. I enjoyed the sit but only saw 7 antlerless. They came through at 15 yards and it was a ton of fun to watch them. No shots fired.
Tomorrow will be a great day. My boy and my best buddy will be going to the field with me. That alone makes me feel pretty fortunate. We might even get a deer... if not, Lathe and I will tell in appropriate jokes and make Mason blush, probably eat some good snacks and manage to have an absolute blast - bad weather or not.


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Supporting Member
Brock.... Just watched that video... Exceptional, Fantastic... Loved it, so happy for you and Mason...Congrats again on a deer of a lifetime...It doesn't get any better..... You guys are truly living a dream.... Good luck the rest of the season....(y)(y)
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Ross County

This is a video a couple 3D buddies put together.

Congratulations to you both and thank you for sharing this interview!

That was great to hear the whole story from Mason, and you as well, but mainly from you son! What an incredible deer, and such a spectacular hunt!
I am very happy for the both you so, congrats once again on the accomplishment, and the life experience that you'll both get to treasure forever, I'm sure!

Very, very cool Brock! (y)
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason, Lathe and I had a great gun opener. Lathe and I started the day off in the turtle overlooking a big crp field. The same field where Mason killed his deer last week. There are several nice deer around and I hoped Lathe would get a shot at one of them. Mason took an umbrella and set up down the fence row south of our position. Lathe and I remained dry and comfortable, feeling pretty bad about Mason being out in the elements. We saw a doe but Lathe didn’t want to shoot one at that time so we let her walk off. I called Mason to let him know deer were on the move and to check up on him. He said he was fine but that one of his gloves was wet and his hand was very cold and couldn’t get it warmed up. Seeing an opportunity, I suggested he head to the truck to get warm, and that if he decided to do so, he should circle to the south to move some deer out way. His path would put him walking through an area we always bump deer while bird hunting...
About a half hour later I get a text stating he had bumped a nice young 8, one we have a lot of pictures of, and that he was heading out way. First on the scene was a group of three does followed closely by the 8. Lathe said “there he is”, but didn’t do anything. I said, “ shoot him”! Lathe opened the window, stuck his gun out and busted the buck while he just stood there wondering what the heck was going on inside the big green egg looking blind. The trail was pronounced and short.

After loading up the buck, we headed off to do some pushes with me as the lone hunter still carrying a buck tag. Lathe and Mason put on about 8 miles. I saw around 25 deer, only three of which were bucks. One was nice and I probably should have shot him since the guys had put a lot of work into it, but I didn’t.

The rain and snow made it a challenging day but we all had a really good time. We worked hard and will sleep well tonight. Such a fun day, I wish we could do it more often.