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Brock/Mason 2020


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It's always Christmas morning when Brock posts in this thread. I can't wait to read it! Well done, men!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gun season kicked my tail. I enjoyed it, but it was tough to find the deer! I saw one good buck and I think that was Wednesday morning. He went into a standing corn field. I thought I could probably find him in there but had no secured permission. I couldn’t find the landowner until Thursday, so that’s when I went in there. I snuck up on three antlerless, fifteen yards or so, but never did find the big boy.

Mason went out to collect a doe yesterday morning. They didn’t see much from the stand so Caleb walked a thicket for him and he dropped a doe at about 130 yards with the 450.

Today Mason and Caleb tried to bump a buck to me. I saw nothing but does and we covered a good bit of ground. We also checked a camera and found that JR was still alive as of Friday night. I’m pretty sure he’s the buck I saw tuck into the corn Wednesday. Mason suggested we go after him but I told him I didn’t want to in hopes he will make it against all odds... so I called a guy that owns a little patch I have bird hunted. He said it would be fine for us to walk it and shoot a deer.

I told the boys I’m done deer hunting. Mason looked at me with great disappointment. Lol. He knows what happens when “I’m done”. I shoot one and could care less that it likely won’t be a big one. We had two guys needing a deer, Mason took care of one of them yesterday, I was ready to take care of the other guy tonight. He can’t hunt this year due to having had a mild stroke and other issues recently. So off to the pheasant patch we went...

We dropped over a hill and a buck bounced up between Mason and me. I didn’t get a good look at him as I was in cover over my head at the time but did see that he appears fairly wide. I took a few hurried steps forward trying to get a look at the buck. He had bounded over the hill and up the next before I shoulder the gun and let one fly. He took a few more bounds as I chambered another round and foolishly stopped and turned broadside. Bang. He dropped. Mason popped over the hill and asked if he was big.... I said, “nope”. Lol. He gave me a dirty look and took off to see my buck.

Two years in a row I’ve had the pleasure of chasing deer on the last day of gun season with Mason and Caleb. Two years in a row I’ve shot bucks that I would never consider shooting in bow season. And yet again, I had a good time in spite of my own son giving me grief. Lol.

Here’s some pics...it was a fun and exhausting season Now time to get the beagles and bird dogs out!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
And another thing ...
After shooting my buck and burning my tag, I felt no remorse. I’d worked my tail off all week and seen very few deer on natural movement. It was like they had disappeared from the face of the earth. As we were driving the short distance home, there were deer out feeding in nearly every field we drove by! In fact, with 20 minutes of legal light left we found three does feeding in a field I have permission on. Mason and Caleb bailed out and put on a stalk. Caleb has a new 350 he has yet to kill a deer with. He has still not killed a deer with that gun but he nearly melted the barrel in an effort to claim the guns first deer. Lol. Good times!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
If you had a good time Brock....Then it was nothing but successful. I honestly had Great Hunts on lesser deer than I've killed at other times. Timing, Conditions and Other Plans add into it. Congrats!
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