Just a straight shot down Rt 7 for you ain't it Jesse?
Yep. Pretty easy trip...
Just a straight shot down Rt 7 for you ain't it Jesse?
I was thinking that maybe I'd have someone smoke me up. It would be my first....
Intresting data.
When it comes to wind direction, Ill adjust when i get to my stand early in the morning. If im hunting a particular trail, then ill position myself on the down wind side of the trail or funnel im hunting. Even doing this doesnt always work. It seems when those winds roll over the top of these ridges it creates a vaccum and rolls back towards the ridge in the direction the prevailing wind is blowing. Somestimes its a real nightmare. My policy is to stay out of the bottom of the hollows...Its either the Top of the ridge or the first bench down that i will hunt.
Also..I think using lure scents gets alot of hunters in trouble..why? well, in order for their lure scent to do its job the buck must be downwind..if he's smelling your lure scent then he's smelling your body scent. Seems its a contradiction to me.
Also, I've secured permission for 2 hunters in our group to hunt a piece of private ground within a few miles of the camp that is absolutely loaded with deer and the land owner wants them gone. They’ll also be a special guest stop by the evening of Saturday the 20th to a have beverage or 2 with us around the campfire...bring plenty of arrows!
I think a cornhole tournament will be necessary..
I'm with you on cover scents. It's like perfume on shit...sweet smelling shit.
Oh snap! I think Brock should pop your cherry with some cherry wood!!! :smiley_clap:
Someone said "wood". Won't be long before we see Hicks... :smiley_crocodile:
I'm pretty sure I was reading a book this summer with you in it, and you was explaining how you force deer to walk a certain area by taking string (I think?) and tying across a certain area or trails in order to funnel deer past a particular trail by your treestand??
Also, I really enjoyed the mugshot in that book, made me laugh.
Do you still have those glasses??
I'll try to talk him into it, i'm sure he'll be busy riding the harley or fixing cars.No doubt about it! You going to talk your old man in to coming over?
No...I gave them to the guy who stole Peewee Herman's bike.
Mrex, you caught that bass before or after you waxed on and off?
Ralph Macchio and Mike Rex, one in the same!!! :smiley_clap:
Right out of college, I worked with a guy who talked me into crashing his sons birthday party dressed as the Karate Kid...I don't see it