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Deadly fire


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
After Mal had passed everyone was sharing things about the days after. A common thing was noticed about almost every story, hummingbirds. So when I got hoke I ordered enough for the family. I need to deliver them soon. Good night, Mal.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It's been a year since the last post here. Update

For fathers day (one year mark) this year we decided to change the mood and memory so we took a vacation and went to see the gulf coast. Stayed with Joe so we had some comfort and saved some coin. That seemed to really help and we talked about making it a yearly thing.

As far as Kody and his mental health? Someone said it the other day about the grief coming in waves. That is about the best way to put it. Some days are better than others and the rough seas are farther and farther apart these days. It took us a while to find him an outlet for his feelings and anger. Somewhere around 3-4 months ago he mentioned wanting to get into a gym for MMA. After multiple talks about using the training only in ring, we agreed to let him train.

That brought us to today. 3, 3 minute rounds for his first fight. The build up was rough. I almost broke down in tears multiple times. Once the fight started I was over it and all about being a coach. He listened well. In the second round he laid on his back in the middle of the ring just looking at the ceiling with the dude trying to choke him out. I shut up and let him figure it out. He came out of it and was on a real mission. Totally different person was in that fight. He was throwing real punches and fighting with a purpose. 2:02 into the third round he sent a solid hit to the other kids jaw. His eyes rolled up as he hit the mat backwards. TKO

He kept his composure the entire fight. Never got mad, always listened to the corner and I. No show boating or anything. He got to experience the full body stakes and puking afterwards though. I warned him about this part, he didn't believe me. He learned today though!

The year has gone by fast and I couldn't be happier with his choice of dealing with it all. I hope he continues to cope this way and never finds a bottle or drug. An update I thought was worth bumping this thread for. As shitty as it all is, there is some good coming from it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I remember being in Nashville with him when he was single. He said "If George Jones was the fireman, they'll call me the trash man. Cause I'll take all the trash out right now." He may have been slightly intoxicated on the Nashville strip. 🤣
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