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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
They haven’t brought him in the cath lab yet. He says he feels fine. Also he humped 32 miles last week scouting and hunting so I know there is nothing wrong w him. He’s 24. Carted out 3 deer during the lottery at one trip, almost 400# of deer and was a mile back.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
They haven’t brought him in the cath lab yet. He says he feels fine. Also he humped 32 miles last week scouting and hunting so I know there is nothing wrong w him. He’s 24. Carted out 3 deer during the lottery at one trip, almost 400# of deer and was a mile back.

Crazy. Hope all is fine. Dos home dude have anxiety or a lot going on?


Ragin Cajun.
Morning hunt is over. Seen a spike and fawn along w two freaking bears. My buddy to the south of me said he felt the stand shaking, opened up the door and a bear was at the tower on the ladder. They both turned inside out after seeing each other.

Ryan had a test done and the hospital feed him breakfast which he wasn’t supposed to have. Now he has to wait 5 hours for the second test. He’s doing fine, thanks for the prayers. No results from the first test. Idk what kind of test they did.
currently it’s raining again.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is a weird one. I've heard of viruses attacking specific organs before. Could be something simple too like calcium or potassium low. (Not sure if calcium or potassium would cause this, but saying it could be a deficiency easily addressed with a supplement.) Whatever it is, hopefully it is minor and he is back at it soon.


Ragin Cajun.
So he had some type of infection. Actually did have a heart attack in the hospital. Went in the cath lab and had no blockages or clots. I forget the name of it that was causing the fluid buildup. Anyway he’s doing fine now and might be released tomorrow but I’m thinking the following day due to circumstances. His mom and dad are sleeping at the camp tonight as the hospital is an hour away or so. We cook vegetable soup w deer meat for them. They just arrived, I will try to get more details without trying to pry in this difficult time. Thank y’all.

Earlier I was talking to his dad on the phone and said no way he could have blockages being 23 yrs old and healthy. Asked him how the medical history was and he replied that his moms side have heart issues.
That is exactly how my sister got real sick two years ago and caused her to stay in Ohio. Had a bad infection they believe started in her lungs that turned into fluid around her heart and into the chest cavity around her right lung. She's still all messed up physically from it all and will have to live with it. Hopefully they can get him on the mend and he can have a full recovery being young and in shape. Definitely thinking of him Nick.


Ragin Cajun.
So Ryan has been released. He said he was diagnosed with bornholms disease. He should make a full recovery snd they are coming back to the camp. J I didn’t house them at my camp, they have a camp behind me. We took care of his 14 yr old brother. It’s been a great day even though I didn’t see deer today or this evening. Also went around noon to jump shoot some woodies. Would’ve had my limit but my gun was f Ed up. Trigger wouldn’t fire. Took it back and ran hot water and dawn over everything and wiped clean. Light silicon spray and she’s just fine. We all making a duck hunt in the morning. Hopefully Ryan is up to it.

Oh forgot, Hunter was walking the nwr and came upon some hogs, put an arrow in 3 hogs but only found one, 50# sow.