A follow up on my hunt this evening.
It was a good one even though I wasn't successful darn it.
Right at 5:25 pm I had a good mature buck come running in from across the field from my West-Southwest and stopped just inside the wood line, approximately 25 yards due West from me, totally downwind 'TOO'.
I suspected that he was bedded in the field previously, got up and ran towards me into the wooded area.
I had my bow in hand ranged for 32 yards, which is the distance to the trail/path along the field/wood line area, the area I originally came from to get to my stand.
As he stood there briefly for about a minute or two just inside the wooded area, on the opposite side of large Ash tree from me, I waited patiently to see what direction he was going to head next.
He headed back out into the field slowly and walked right up to my tracks.
With his nose to the ground right on top of my tracks, I continued watching patiently.
I just needed him to take a few more steps to get into my best shooting lane.
As he continued slowly tracking me heading South- Southeast following my tracks, he stopped just short of my best window by about five yards.
I went ahead and drew back my bow cause I wasn't sure what he was going to do next - bolt or continue his slow walk? I was expecting bolt!
Apparently when I drew my bow back, he must have heard me cause he raised his head and looked in my direction.
At this point I decided once he turns his head away, I'm releasing and sure enough, he turned his head away right after I made my decision.
I watched my arrow fly right towards him and before it cleared the last little bit of the woods, it must have caught a small limb cause my arrow flew right over his back to my absolute amazement. I couldn't believe I missed him.
He reared up and boogied off like lighting, headed straight South-Southeast, then stopped in the middle of the field for a moment or two, approximately 100 yards away from me.
After finishing looking around, he continued walking through the rest of the field heading straight away from me.
Just my luck this season.
He was a real nice looking typical 5x5, at least a mid 140 class I'd say, maybe more.
Never seen him before.
Looked like he might have a couple of broken tines on each side, but looked real healthy.
I continued finishing out my hunt hoping that just maybe he'd circle around and I do believe that's exactly what he did cause right around 6:00 pm, just before quitting time basically, I heard a deer blow a couple of times approximately 70-80 yards directly downwind from me in the woods.
I'm not giving up and I'll be back at it tomorrow and this weekend.