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LIVE from the stand 2018-19


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I’m back out. I worked half a day, saw it was going to rain the next three and came home. Got here too late to sneak in. A doe busted me when I was 5 yards behind my blind. She was 10 yards in front of it at the bottom of the hill. Total silence in the woods and she blew, threw her tail up and took off. Sumbich.

Oh well. Settled in now we’ll see what happens.


Senior Member
Kingston, OH

When your 4 year old son asks to go hunting. You take him!! Hopefully my good luck charm.

Brought the old crossbow. I absolutely cannot see my pins inside this black blind.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Just settled into my evening stand.

While getting here I noticed since I hunted it five days ago, I have a new fresh tree rub right underneath it.


Just 30 yards further West is a huge scrape w/ a licking branches right above it.

I'll pull the SD card from trailcam before I leave. I'm sure it captured the one who made the tree rub.

It's also where.I saw two bucks yesterday @6:00 p.m.

Anyhow, I kinda expect a good hunt here shortly.

Good luck to all the others that are out there trying to make shit happen!

Later (y)


Junior Member
Beautiful morning. But just saw a lone doe. No evidence of rut yet there. Neighbors property sounded like they were pouring concrete and hammering...ycch
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I saw a doe and two fawns tonight. The doe worked two scrapes and i smelled the strongest estrous smell I've ever smelled in the wild. Unbelievably strong but only for moments then it was gone.


Supporting Member
Ross County
What a backward evening - geez!

The coyotes were out well before the deer tonight.

They carried on barking & howling right at sunset this evening and others all around me. It was nuts!

I had a pair of coyotes that trucked right through the field around about 6:40 pm and they were on the move.

Then approximately 7:00 pm, two adult does came out from my East and grazed in the field right in front of me about 30 yards out.

Then right after quitting time I had another deer right underneath that I had wait on to leave the area before I could even get down.

So, I got home a little later than normally for not shooting a deer.

Probably won't be out again until Saturday due the weather.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My friend is just sick to his stomach. Hasn’t found it yet but we both believe he’s either dead or will soon be. He tracked very sparse blood for 300 yards until it petered out. The deer did not bed down once in that stretch. Blood wasn’t real dark and the lack of it was prolly due to the intestines or fat plugging up the low exit hole. He backed out to give him more time so’s not to push him into next county. Going back in morning to scour all creek beds and pond locations and bedding. He used a xbow with his bolt tipped with a 3 blade Spitfire and had a complete pass through with the shaft having some blood and gut mucus from end to end. The shot was slightly quartered and 12 yards out with him just 16 feet up.
I’ll keep y’all posted of any updates.