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Live from the stand 2021/22


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH

I went into Swamp this AM, East ESEast wind and hunted it - on the way out pulled the card from the cam on Bottom, across the creek bottom from Bottom Plot, saw this at noon when mom, companion, Mooch, C.iff, and My Cadet, came in for lunch. went down to Swamp - the winds weren't right and punched across the valley to Beech stand, Pic above Bottom Plot, decided to pack up Swamp stand and move to Beech stand, about 1700.

"never be afriad to do the right thing." - Thanks Dad.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Alright guys need advice. The wind is not in my favor right now. Plus it’s coming down pretty well. Oak has been around for the last five days, three times a day. I’m sitting in my truck waiting to walk in…. Do I go sit with a bad wind and pray I don’t get busted or do I wait until this afternoon to slip in when the wind shifts around
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