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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh

My best friend

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I love Trump! You may not like him but I do and I know why - the man is the only person in Washington DC that appears to be proud of all the good this country has done. Got that- PROUD. Seems the remainder of these elected clowns want to just point out misdeeds and talk about how disgusting our country is and it is NOT. These morons cannot balance a freaking budget yet they would have you believe they are more wise than the founding fathers.

Trump 2020. And if I were a Democrat I’d figure out how to vote for him twice.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I love Trump! You may not like him but I do and I know why - the man is the only person in Washington DC that appears to be proud of all the good this country has done. Got that- PROUD. Seems the remainder of these elected clowns want to just point out misdeeds and talk about how disgusting our country is and it is NOT. These morons cannot balance a freaking budget yet they would have you believe they are more wise than the founding fathers.

Trump 2020. And if I were a Democrat I’d figure out how to vote for him twice.