That's a nice big one there mountaineer. I found #10 yesterday, a nice 2 year old 4 point side. I had went shedless on 3 consecutive trips before that one.
So my deer target dropped an antler in my yard....a shed is a shed.:smiley_breakdance:
I havent posted forever, still lurking.
Ive been hiking my ass off around athens/meigs looking for sheds and have only found 2 so far, with one being an oldie.
I put some cams out a couple days ago(should have never stopped running them) to try to figure out what was going on, and sure enough the sheds that I have really been looking for are still on their heads. Gonna chill out for a minute till the cams tell me otherwise, and then hit it hard again.
Ive never put in as much time looking.
All the walking is really givin me a whole new perspective on a couple properties. :smiley_coolpeace:
You know what frustrating TOO me is that in the area I'm in, I know of alot of areas like Chad discribed all around me in a 5 mile radius BUT the people that own them either don't allow anyone to look or it's just vacant land owned by some rich fuggar who lives in the city and doesn't have a listed number or any other way for me to contact them TOO ask! I just keep walking the same old farms I do have permission to look on but there are much better places around me that prolly have sheds laying on top of each other. LOL DANG! I did jump 3 bucks still carrying yesterday and one was a dandy still with a harem! Found a fresh rub(green as a pea) with a frsh scrape that looked TOO have been hit just a few days ago! WTF!!!
You know what frustrating TOO me is that in the area I'm in, I know of alot of areas like Chad discribed all around me in a 5 mile radius BUT the people that own them either don't allow anyone to look or it's just vacant land owned by some rich fuggar who lives in the city and doesn't have a listed number or any other way for me to contact them TOO ask! I just keep walking the same old farms I do have permission to look on but there are much better places around me that prolly have sheds laying on top of each other. LOL DANG! I did jump 3 bucks still carrying yesterday and one was a dandy still with a harem! Found a fresh rub(green as a pea) with a frsh scrape that looked TOO have been hit just a few days ago! WTF!!!
All you gotta say is your looking for your dog. It works every time...
All you gotta say is your looking for your dog. It works every time...
All you gotta say is your looking for your dog. It works every time...
That's the excuse I always have on speed dial!!! I got "lost" on a piece of off limits hunting ground the other day with no luck. Figure I'll get lost out there again this weekend. I'm looking for the sheds off the Booner I saw holed up in there this summer and damnit if I don't get turned around every time I'm out there!!!