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Please Read: A little air clearing of our own...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I just had a good talk with OS Steve and as a result, there a few things that need to be addressed here on TOO. The long and short of it is there was a virtual handshake extended this time as opposed to the virtual chest bumps exchanged between he and I over the past 24 hours. I expected the converstation to head in one direction, when in reality we had a good talk and he is not as bad a guy as we may have painted him to be. He even apologized for using "poacher" in describing our actions and we actually agreed on our respective takes regarding some members. I left with a good impression and more respect from him and his mode of opperation than I had before. He agreed to forget everything that was said and all that has happened in exchange for my word to cease some of the "actions" that have taken place. I granted him that wish and gave him my word I would speak with the troops.

With that being said, I am asking all TOO members (Jack and I are held to the same standard) to cease all OS bashing. (We can still have a laugh at the expense of the dumbasses because we would do that if we were there!) We did not intend for innocent bystanders to get drug into the battle Jack and I had going with Steve. I gave Steve my word that we would no longer use OS as an avenue to contact and recruit new members. This includes all TOO members. Anyone that had their accounts modified, will have them restored tonight. No one will be banned, including me. I am as much an instigator of this TOO vs. OS shenanigans as much as the next guy. I too will be on my best behavior on TOO and when/if I visit OS. Please do not use the chat room or your PM's to advance TOO or cause harm to OS in any manner. If someone asks where you have been, have them send you an email and talk about it there. And do not post or send our URL anywhere on OS.

Those of you who saw my post on OS, saw I meant business. I did not expect it to go the way it did and that is why I agreed to play nice in the sandbox. Steve earned some respect from me tonight as a result. Those of you on TOO that have respect for me, should in turn understand where I am coming from with this and you should have no problem keeping it between the lines. Joe and I did not intend for this to get out of control. But as you all know, the internet has a funny way of taking things and causing them to spiral out of control in no time flat. If you still post on OS and want to belong there, please DO NOT feel that those of us dedicated to TOO think any less of you. Starting today, we will all make an effort to leave behind the "us vs. them" mentality and focus on building TOO in a manner that is both proper and respectful to whoever we might encounter along the way. Particularly in regards to Steve and OS. If we do have a problem, that is where the beauty of our Private Forum comes into play. Take it to that playground...

With that being said, I'm going to have our first TOO call out. There is a member, or members, of TOO who feel the need to be Steve's watch dog here on TOO. That person(s) is sending Steve PM's with TOO content, of which Steve has taken out of context. This person has also forwarded OS PM's to Steve. Rest assured we have a damn good idea of who this person(s) is, so let this serve as your warning. You too are expected to knock off the bullshit. The next time something comes up and Steve calls me, because he assured me all things will be handled via phone from now on, you will be called to the forefront of TOO and asked to explain your position. If you don't want to belong over here, or you are here simply to report anything remotely anti-OS to Steve, then I'll ask you send Joe or I a PM and we will delete your account. If we as a group are going to move forward from here, so will you. And your backstabbing bullshit will not be tolerated.

I think that sums it up. We all get a little worked up this time of year and it shows from time to time! We can kill things in T-minus 85 hours or so. Let's get those final preparations of out the way and get to enjoying our fall...


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Didn't expect this outcome this quick, but good to see boys can be boys and as only guys can, blows can be thrown, issues pushed a side and people move on.

Sounds good Jesse!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad to hear you were able to get some issues resolved with Steve, Jesse. I think both sites will be better off now that that's taken care of.

However, in order for it to be a true "call-out", shouldn't the person in question be identified? Maybe not here in public... but I would hope this person would at least be getting a PM telling him/her to cut the bullshit. If this person has access to the private side of the forum, maybe this access should be revoked??? If I'm off base, I apologize. I just don't like the thought of a "rat" around here, that's all.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I must of missed some thing...,glad everything worked out and all is well but honestly i like TOO better and it has nothing to do with what u described. .......just more fun here and better layout.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I would like to throw my hat out there also. I'll try to keep it short... 1. You guys are great. I think we have a great bunch of guys here and a strong foundation for a site that will continue to grow..

With that being said. I'm happy Jesse's and Steve's conversation turned out well. Before I left OS I sent Steve a PM detailing what I believed to be wrong with OS, how to fix it, and what i thought people were looking for.. I laid it out on a silver platter. To say it felt like i was blown off would be an understatement.

The snowball started from there with neither side willing to come to the table. The "Poacher" comment just furthered that snowball. It didn't have to get this Ugly and it was never our intent from the beginning. But in the doings and sayings it went downhill. I will be the first to admit I assisted in fostering an environment of distaste and grudges towards OS..

However.. Many Users were banned from OS last night on a guilty by association charge. I didn't think this was fair to those users who got a bum wrap. Although I assisted in fostering an atmosphere of disdain for OS due to the escalations, i never once held it against anyone for still visiting or posting on OS.. I understand there are people here who want to be members of both sites and that's cool with me. I'm happy to see someone was willing to come to the table, and resolve some of these issues. Too bad it couldn't have happened sooner. It was on a road to getting very ugly.

So.. Here we are guys. I hope that you enjoy it here. I try hard and put in hundreds of hours in hopes that you guys have a place you enjoy. I can tell you, it will only get better.. You aren't owned by a site, the site is owned by you, you guys built it we just gave you the land. I am of the firm belief that it's you guys that make the site what it is.. Not myself or Jesse. Call it creative freedom.

Nice to see this came to a head the way it did and Jesse was able to get it done through cooperation with Steve. To be honest I didn't have the time nor the give a shit anymore for olive branches. Now However, I have to respect his letting bygons be bygons truce and respect the agreement....

Nice to see you guys will have your rights restored on OS.. It didn't sit right with me that in some way i might have got some people whacked by association.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Glad to hear you were able to get some issues resolved with Steve, Jesse. I think both sites will be better off now that that's taken care of.

However, in order for it to be a true "call-out", shouldn't the person in question be identified? Maybe not here in public... but I would hope this person would at least be getting a PM telling him/her to cut the bullshit. If this person has access to the private side of the forum, maybe this access should be revoked??? If I'm off base, I apologize. I just don't like the thought of a "rat" around here, that's all.

Trust me. That person knows full well.. And yes, their access to that side of the forum has been revoked indefinitely. While he still has access to the public side of the forum i doubt he will post much. He drew his line in the sand. And the bad part is, nobody ever asked for it to be drawn.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Very well said Jackalope and Jesse. I am a loyal member to T.O.O. and as I said before Jackalope when I get home, (Yes I have not been home since I joined up here ) I will send a donation to you boys. The debit card never worked.

I will be honest, I hit OS just to see what the newbie's are saying. I post in the Morning Geezer even though I know all my buddies are here. I have posted a couple comments in the fly fishing thread only becasue there is not much going on here due to the bow season starting.

By the way what is up with bow lady? She was in the fly fishing section and has not been back? Wonder if it is Trad Fool...........Ha, ha, ha.

I am here to stay boys. Thanks Jackalope and Jesse for making this site and allowing me to be apart of it.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Glad to see things getting hashed out now. I talked to Steve via e-mails as well today and got everything worked out between him and I. I have no more issues with Steve and can respect the cease fire :D. I talked to Joe this evening and we had a nice little chat and in that chat I told Joe that 15 out of the 22 people in my friends list is already here. TOO has all the people I have come to respect and trust from my time on OS and I can't think of a better place for me to be then here. I may from time to time find a thread over on OS to post on but as we have all seen the pickings are slim right now lol.

Thanks Joe, Jesse, and the rest of you TOO members for a great place to come and relax and enjoy :D.

Now save your energy boys...your going to need it to haul out those big boys from the woods soon enough lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Well thats all fine and dandy. You two took the high road in-spite of him needing a good bitch slap. Good men; both of you.

Sad it came to this however. Various members here (including myself) have sent Steve messages for some time and he chose to disregard the input.Maybe he will change... I still think its just a business to him. Here its a labor of love, for love of the sport.

I'm behind ya.

My 2 cents.


Senior Member
First off all, as much as the bullshit it, that's probably a good move.

Second question - do you think that we could (collectively) ask Steve to delete us - not ban us- from the site?

Third Question - Am I (or anyone else) allowed to be a dick on OS, to the extent of being kicked off, and still be a member in TOO? Do you not give a shit what we do in our "own time" or would that be frowned upon by the general TOO group?


Tatonka guide.
not sure steve is as honest as you all think...my pms are disabled... too bad for 45 as i wanted to wish him and his family condolences on the loss of his brother...fuck'um


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
not sure steve is as honest as you all think...my pms are disabled... too bad for 45 as i wanted to wish him and his family condolences on the loss of his brother...fuck'um

Are you sure?? Maybe you just don't know how to work this internet thingy?? Possibly Greg has put a hex on you??


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang. Work a long day and miss out on a bunch. I know I was scratching my head late last night (worked a long one yesterday too) when I couldn't log in. Figured technical difficulty. Bull puckey to have been shut down just because I don't log on there much anymore. I could care less what the details were, just glad you and Steve were able to come up with an amicable agreement. You will still see my occasional posts over there. If you don't like it, then don't lurk in the shadows reading them I guess.

I look at OS the same as the little old lady's I still mow for. Some of them I am lucky to break even, but they were some of the first customers I started with. It does not make good business sense, but it doesn't feel right to just dump them. They helped me get my start, and I don't want to forget where I came from. OS is the same thing. I learned an awful lot over there. Granted, the majority of it probably came from posters which are now on TOO, but there are still some good eggs on the other site. While I may not find it as a highly profitable knowledge center anymore, I still need to stop in, mow the lawn, and share a glass of lemonade with them on their porch swing every so often.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Second question - do you think that we could (collectively) ask Steve to delete us - not ban us- from the site?

Third Question - Am I (or anyone else) allowed to be a dick on OS, to the extent of being kicked off, and still be a member in TOO? Do you not give a shit what we do in our "own time" or would that be frowned upon by the general TOO group?

I think we've covered the deleting thing. He won't do that because it deletes content. Besides, that is more of a giant "Fuck You" than what I posted IMO. And we might not all be on board with that. Just sayin...

As for being a dick, you are your own man brother. Just don't drag TOO into the mix. I think you can be an asshole without doing that and I'll trust you to do so. Just know he will tolerate less shit from you now than he would have before. So be slick about it and get your monies worth...

not sure steve is as honest as you all think...my pms are disabled... too bad for 45 as i wanted to wish him and his family condolences on the loss of his brother...fuck'um

He said it might be tomorrow before it was all fixed...

I look at OS the same as the little old lady's I still mow for. Some of them I am lucky to break even, but they were some of the first customers I started with. It does not make good business sense, but it doesn't feel right to just dump them. They helped me get my start, and I don't want to forget where I came from. OS is the same thing. I learned an awful lot over there. Granted, the majority of it probably came from posters which are now on TOO, but there are still some good eggs on the other site. While I may not find it as a highly profitable knowledge center anymore, I still need to stop in, mow the lawn, and share a glass of lemonade with them on their porch swing every so often.

Fine and dandy dude. I understand that. It just so happens all my little old ladies are here. And we make lemonade spiked with shine on TOO!!! ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
WTF did I miss? Damn, I feel like Hicks! Work hard for two days and the shit hits the fan. I am like a girl with the gossip so someone PM me the details.



The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
WTF did I miss? Damn, I feel like Hicks! Work hard for two days and the shit hits the fan. I am like a girl with the gossip so someone PM me the details.


Well I had a busy day myself but from what I could piece together this afternoon......1023 and Steve had a good game of meat swords going. It seemed like it was going to be a "draw" as far as the swordfight so they just decided to gently touch weiners and call it a day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Well I had a busy day myself but from what I could piece together this afternoon......1023 and Steve had a good game of meat swords going. It seemed like it was going to be a "draw" as far as the swordfight so they just decided to gently touch weiners and call it a day.

Literally LMAO...thanks I needed that. Touching mushrooms...sounds like a band!
