Well it has been a little while since I have been able to log on and update. With the trek down south this past weekend and work really picking up it has been tuff to say the least.
Friday afternoon I arrived at Sandridge outfitters and got things ready for the weekend festivities as everyone else rolled in. Friday night I nestled into a stand at paradise. Liking what I was seeing in the landscape and the stand location I had high expectations for the evening. About 30 minutes into the hunt I had a unexpected interruption.

This dude did laps through this field for a good 10 minutes. Needless to say I didn't see anything the rest of the evening, but it was still a great sit, enjoying country that I just don't get to see where I normally hunt.

Friday evening after the hunt consisted of alot of great food and beer around the fire. Got to meet a few more people and put some faces with some names.

Saturday morning I was back into paradise. Saw a total of 6 deer. 2 bucks and 4 does. All the does seemed a bit on the skid-dish side and the bucks where just mossing through. Both where younger bucks and still needed a few years before thinking of shooting them.
Evening hunt it was a time for a change in scenery. Went out to the farm and hunted a small food plot on the north end of the farm on a ridge. Was a beautiful sit with a small spike making his way into ten yards at last shooting light. Didn't want to burn my buck tag on that.
Sat. night found us all at the Flutemans Bar & Grill with more food than we all could eat and plenty of beer.
A huge thanks goes out to Jesse and Tracie for opening up their house and hosting. It will never be forgotten. I just hope that some day I can somehow repay the favor.