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Show us your wood (pile)


Supporting Member
Ross County

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Started work at 1:00 p.m. on tree #1, and half of #2 afterwards. I left the property at 4:00 p.m. with a full truck bed loaded up with dead Ash.
I cut up one in a half of the five trees that have fallen within the farm field over the course of the past year. After doing all the cutting and loading, I picked up all the loose debris and tossed it right along the side of the field so the field can get planted completely this year.
I figure I'll end up with 3 to 4 truck loads total out the five fallen trees when all said and done with the clean up.
I will be doing this wood work whenever the weather and field condition permits. A rock solid frozen ground is what I need to get my truck up close to these trees and do the work because the F250 SD you see above is only two wheel drive.

I now have a enough firewood to get me through a few weeks at least.

Today’s Wood Pile - 4/27/22

Last Saturday, the 23rd, I worked at the other farm to clear all the deadfall trees and loose debris from within the farm field so the field can get fully planted this year.

I worked all day Saturday, 12 hours, from 9 to 9, cutting, hauling, and tossing small debris off the side of the farm field and gathering whatever garbage found.

When I started out that morning, the field was still a little too soft and wet for me to drive my two wheel drive pickup truck out onto it, so I ended up using the owner’s tractor to load the front bucket full of cut firewood and used one of my tow slings to drag out the large tree trunks to the fair entrance edge of the field where I can finish cutting them up into smaller pieces to load into the bed of my truck later the next day.

Before and after of the areas cleared and cleaned up, plus a few others photos of work in progress.

All the firewood pieces that I ended up cutting while out in the farm field and hauled off the field with the tractor within its bucket, I loaded that pile of wood into the bed of the truck that evening, which was the first full truck load that I hauled home and then unloaded when I got there around 10:00 p.m.

Sunday morning, the 24th, I drove back out to the farm and finished cutting up the rest of the firewood, all the large tree trunks I dragged out with the owner’s tractor the day before. After a couple of hours of cutting everything up, I loaded up the truck bed plum full once again and headed for home.


The largest pieces of Ash I left behind for me to pick up the following day. Once I got home, I emptied the entire truck bed and started stacking all the firewood under the barn carport.

Monday morning, the 25th, I drove back out to the farm for the final time, however this time I took with me my deer corn feeder with an automatic timer, a 6’ ladder, a couple of trail cameras with hangers, a 2’x 8’x ¾” sheet of plywood to use as a ramp for the larger pieces of firewood and my leaf blower.

Along the way there, I stopped at Tractor Supply Co. and picked up three 50# bags of whole corn and one salt/mineral licking block.

Once I got to the other farm, I drove out into the field with the truck, which by that time the field was like concrete due to the mid eighty temperatures over the weekend and stiff winds, then parked at the end of the cup area nearest to the woods.

Then I grabbed the leaf blower and cleared the area I wanted to set up the corn feeder and licking block at. Afterwards, I set the corn feeder up, filled it with whole corn, set the licking block on tree bark and then hung one of the trial cameras right above both. That location is the same area I threw down corn last hunting season, approximately 20-25 yards from one of the trees I hunt out of during early archery season.


After setting another camera along the farm field edge, I drove back to the field entrance and filled the truck bed with the rest of the large Ash firewood pieces and hauled it home. After I made home, I unloaded and stacked the final firewood pieces under the barn carport.



When I was clearing all the deadfall trees from the cup area on Saturday, I also cleared and cleaned up the area where I install my pop-up ground blind for both gun and muzzleloader seasons. It will be a whole lot easier for me when I go to set the blind up this year than the previous two now that I cleared that little area right beside and behind the little Cedar Tree.


So, as you can see, I now have a nice jump on the firewood for this year, which basically equates to more allotted time for me to be afield this hunting season, which is great, and, as a promised to the land owner originally last winter, the entire farm field is now cleared from all the tree deadfall and lose debris so that the owner’s entire farm field can get fully planted without any difficulty this year with corn.

The property owner was very pleased after the fact when all said and done.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Earned it today. Hauled a load of brush and tops. Hauled a load and partial load of firewood. Need to haul the rest of the brush. Fell at the township cemetery but was actually from the church property next door. Both parties were okay with me doing the work for free in exchange for the wood. Plus, the church members (one who helped quite a bit and another who helped a little) said they will end up having it removed. Hopefully that means I can get the remainder of the tree. Bigger than it looks. Got more than I anticipated considering it was really just a portion of the tree.

Hackberry. Anyone ever burn it? Says it is a hardwood. Looks pretty decent. I'm not sure how it burns though. Anyone with experience?



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Earned it today. Hauled a load of brush and tops. Hauled a load and partial load of firewood. Need to haul the rest of the brush. Fell at the township cemetery but was actually from the church property next door. Both parties were okay with me doing the work for free in exchange for the wood. Plus, the church members (one who helped quite a bit and another who helped a little) said they will end up having it removed. Hopefully that means I can get the remainder of the tree. Bigger than it looks. Got more than I anticipated considering it was really just a portion of the tree.View attachment 152597

Hackberry. Anyone ever burn it? Says it is a hardwood. Looks pretty decent. I'm not sure how it burns though. Anyone with experience?

View attachment 152593View attachment 152594View attachment 152595View attachment 152596
Hackberry wood burns great and splits great. I’ve burned a ton of it. 👍🏻


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Picked up about half a truck bed two days ago. Oak. Picked up a 6x12 trailer full yesterday. Figured I better get these split and stacked. Working on some of the hackberry as well as some other partial loads I've had behind the barn. Dumped to be split at a later date. Apparently, the last two days were determined to be "a later date." Have maybe another hour or two of work left. Snapped a bolt on my bobcat quick-tach. Need to make a repair before I proceed.


The row on the left and half the row on the right are the results of the last two evenings work.



Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Picked up about half a truck bed two days ago. Oak. Picked up a 6x12 trailer full yesterday. Figured I better get these split and stacked. Working on some of the hackberry as well as some other partial loads I've had behind the barn. Dumped to be split at a later date. Apparently, the last two days were determined to be "a later date." Have maybe another hour or two of work left. Snapped a bolt on my bobcat quick-tach. Need to make a repair before I proceed.

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The row on the left and half the row on the right are the results of the last two evenings work.

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Bringing that to strouds?
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
………….and so it begins. 🤟🏻

Figured with a couple cooler days this week I might as well get this thing fired up. I have the temperature regulator turned down just a tad to the 130-140 degree range but will crank it up to 160-180 when snow starts spittin. I’ve got some firewood to replenish before winter is over but I have plenty right now.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Two more work jobs to finish and then I have some firewood to get. Guy has 2 red oak and one ash. They were dropped in his yard and left. All three approximately 3-4' diameter and 40-50' tall. I plan on taking the skid loader with forks and two dump trucks. I'll cut to 8' lengths and load while my guys haul. Should be a really nice stack whenever it is all cut to length, split, and stacked. Should get me thru the winter and into next winter. And my guys will get some more hours on the slow days.

Haven't fired the boiler yet. Might have the gas turned on this week. Tues/Wednesday they are calling for mid forties during the day and low thirties at night. And. . . Snow/rain mix. Yuck. Too soon. By the end of the week and into next week they are calling for mid sixties and even 70. I can tough out a couple cold days. My wife is out of town. Not starting the boiler yet. Lol


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
anyone ever get home late from work and their fucking wood pile is on fire!! Fuck me! My boy lit it fucking around with a torch while both of us were working and the older kids were inside. Good life lesson. What can i burn of his in the woodstove tomorrow? I got to babysit this shit for awhile! Drunk posts soon ahead....id give my left nut to be at strouds. Wouldnt have any buildings left on my property though...just....fuck me....

Left field

Active Member
View attachment 164118anyone ever get home late from work and their fucking wood pile is on fire!! Fuck me! My boy lit it fucking around with a torch while both of us were working and the older kids were inside. Good life lesson. What can i burn of his in the woodstove tomorrow? I got to babysit this shit for awhile! Drunk posts soon ahead....id give my left nut to be at strouds. Wouldnt have any buildings left on my property though...just....fuck me....
life lesson should have pulled out 😂
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I need to make some firewood appear. What I have is dwindling faster than I'd like. I have 3 very large diameter trees all 40-50' tall minimum waiting on me. I'd guess them all to be 30" or larger diameter. Probably going to have to pay my foreman to help me just to get it all here in a reasonable timeframe. Going to need a skid loader and two dump trucks running while I saw. Probably going to need another skid loader to stack it at the shop as we dump or we will run out of room fast. Once it is here, I can plug away at it as needed. I think I've mentioned it in this thread already. Haven't found the time to acquire it yet. Looking at my schedule, I'm not sure when I'll fit the couple days in needed to get it. Ugh